A single script for all the tools you need for bug bounty. Thanks to the original creator of bbhtv1 for the idea >> https://github.com/nahamsec
Bug Bounty Hunting Tools is a script to install the most popular tools
- Subdomain Enum tools - amass,subfinder,assetfinder,subdomainizer,sublister,findomain....
- Subdomain Takeover - subover,autosubtakeover,tko-subs,subjack....
- Cloud Workflow - aws_recon,festin,lazys3,s3brute,flumberboozle,slurp....
- Fuzzing - gobuster,wfuzz,ffuf,dirsearch....
- Visual Inspection - aquatone,gowitness,httpscreenshot...
- Content Discovery - gospider,hakrawker,photon,paramspider...
- CMS Tools - wpscan,drupwn,wig...
- GIT enum tools - githound,gitgraber,trufflehog,gitscanner...
- Frameworks - Sn1per,osmedeus,cobra,sudomy...
- JS enum tools - jsscanner,jsparser,linkfinder...
- Fingerprint & CVE tools - nuclei,webtech,waf...
- Port Scanning - nmap,masscan,naabu,brutespray...
- Wordlists - commonspeak2,payloadallthings,seclists...
Script for aliases/shell functions: https://github.com/unethicalnoob/aliases
git clone https://github.com/unethicalnoob/BBHTv2
cd BBHTv2
chmod +x bbhtv2.1.sh
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unethicalnoob/BBHTv2/master/bbhtv2.sh | sudo bash