This was a project I did for a gamejam in October 2013. The theme was Halloween and this is what came out of it. Tower of the Dead is a "climber" game where the player climbs a tower and dodges evil flaming skulls as they fall. The score system is super simple the longer you last the higher your score.
I used the up and coming Loom Engine to create this game! Loom's fast CLI workflow was AWESOME and extreemly fast for development.
I targeted iOS for this particular project focusing on retina displays. All of my assets are sized for the iPhone 5 and adjusted from that.
With the Loom CLI building this project is easy! First make sure you are in the project folder.
Then Run:
loom run --desktop
This will compile and run the project on the desktop.
If you want to run this on your phone you must first add your provisioning profile
loom provision <Path to your Provisioning Profile>
Then run it
loom run --ios
This Code is NOT OPTIMIZED. I was testing out a new technology and was trying to get things done as fast as I could within the time limits.
Here are some things this could benifit from:
- Sprites
- Music/Sounds
- An Overarching Player Class
- An Overarching Enemy Class
- Spliting out Overlay Methods from the Level Code
- Making use of Looms LML Structure and CSS
- Timer Optimization
- Further Object Destruction
- Resource Manager
- Refactoring for readability and optimization
That being said feel free to use this code in your projects!