ramulator Public
Forked from CMU-SAFARI/ramulatorA Fast and Extensible DRAM Simulator, with built-in support for modeling many different DRAM technologies including DDRx, LPDDRx, GDDRx, WIOx, HBMx, and various academic proposals. Described in the…
C++ MIT License UpdatedDec 3, 2021 -
MIG-7-PHY-DDR3-Controller Public
Forked from CMU-SAFARI/MIG-7-PHY-DDR3-ControllerA DDR3 Controller that uses the Xilinx MIG-7 PHY to interface with DDR3 devices.
Verilog UpdatedAug 22, 2021 -
zhusuan Public
Forked from thu-ml/zhusuanA probabilistic programming library for Bayesian deep learning, generative models, based on Tensorflow
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2020