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Zonemaster Web GUI Build Status


This module is the Web Interface part of the Zonemaster project.


Follow the detailed installation instructions.


Before you install the Zonemaster Web GUI module, you need the Zonemaster Engine test framework installed. Please see the Zonemaster Engine installation instructions

And also the the zonemaster-backend module installed. Please see the Zonemaster Backend installation


Text for configuring the backend are found in the installation instructions.


This project was generate with Angular-CLI 1.6.8 and then updating. It use the Angular 2+ framework with all its tools.

The source code of the application is available in ./src/app folder. The app folder is structured as follow :

+-- components
+-- models
|   +-- alter.ts            : Alert model (level, message)
|   +-- index.ts            : module export
+-- pipes
|   +-- filer.pipe.*                : Filter a list based on a string
|   +-- filer-by-categories.pipe.*  : Filter the list of result by categories
|   +-- romanize.pipe.*             : Transform latin number to roman number (1 -> I, 2 -> II)
|   +-- safe-html.pipe.*            : Sanitize text to HTML
+-- services
|   +-- alert.service.*     : to display alert messages
|   +-- app.service.*       : to manage app configuration (api url, etc.)
|   +-- dns-check.service.* : to communicate with the Zonemaster Backend API 
+-- app.*

The components folder is composed of subfolders that represent the main components. Each folder of component contain three files :

  • *.component.css : The component's style
  • *.component.html : The component's html
  • *.component.ts : The component's typescript

All assets are available in src/assets folder. It's split by concern, all translation files are in the i18n folder, the style in the css, images are in the images folder, etc.

The configurations files of the application are in the src/environments folder. environment.ts is use for development purpose, and the for production.

In order to contribute

  • Install Nodejs

  • Fork the Zonemaster GUI repository on Github into your own user on Github.

  • Clone your fork to your working environment.

  • Go to the folder and install project dependencies with npm install

  • Update environment files in /src/environments/ to add a backend api endpoint (or leave the default)

  • Make your changes, test them and push them to your fork on Github

  • From your fork, make a Pull Request against the zonemaster/zonemaster-gui repository. Please always make the Pull Request against the develop branch.

  • Thank you for your contribution!

In development mode, you probably have to enable CORS on your browser. The Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) performed by the browser blocks every AJAX request that does not match the exact host, protocol, and port of your site.

Development server

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Run npm run build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. The script also change the FAQ markdown files to html files.

Create a release zip file

Run 'npm run release' to create a zip file with dist folder and zonemaster.conf file. Then upload it in github.


Basically, the GUI is a serverless Angular application which use the Backend JSONRC API.

Other than the installation file, the docs directory, contains a translation guide for the GUI

Security of our dependencies

Based on the output of david and npm audit, we reguraly update our dependencies with the latest secure version. Notice that we can't follow the rythm of new versions, so you could get security warning during the installation of development dependencies.


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.6.8.


The software is released under the 2-clause BSD license. See separate LICENSE file.


The Zonemaster GUI - part of the Zonemaster project







No packages published


  • TypeScript 58.7%
  • JavaScript 18.8%
  • HTML 18.0%
  • CSS 4.5%