Libecalc lets you compare Poker Hands and Ranges.
- UnitTest++ for tests (expects headers and lib to be in /usr/{lib,include})
$ git clone --recursive
# compile lib
$ cd libecalc/dep/libpoker
$ make all
- Download HandRanks.dat and save it as libecalc/handranks.dat
# build documentation (requires doxygen)
$ make doc
# build and run tests
$ cd test
$ make all run
A compiled version of the doxygen documentation can be found here
using namespace ecalc;
using namespace poker;
// supply path to handranks file.
Handranks handranks("handranks.dat");
// initialize ecalc with handranks and seed for rng
ECalc calc(&handranks, 0);
// supply vector of cards that is present on the board already (preflop)
cards board, dead;
// Create a handlist with a single specific hand.
Handlist* hand = new SingleHandlist(Hand("AhAs"));
// evaluate hand against random sampled hands
result_collection res = calc.evaluate_vs_random(
hand, // handlist
1, // number of random players to check against
board, // the boardcards
dead, // list of deadcards
NB_SAMPLES // number of samples to use. the higher the better
// res stores the percentage of win,tie and loss in a vector for each hand
cout << "pwin: " << res[0].pwin_tie() << endl; // 0.85204
delete hand;
cards dead;
cards board({(card)Card("Jh").card(), (card)Card("Qd").card(),
Handlist::collection_t hands({new SingleHandlist(Hand("AcKd")),
new SingleHandlist(Hand("JsTs"))});
result_collection res = calc.evaluate(hands, board, dead, NB_SAMPLES);
// res[0].pwin_tie() => 0.66313
// res[1].pwin_tie() => 0.33687
for( unsigned i = 0; i < hands.size(); ++i)
delete hands[i];
cards dead;
cards board({(card)Card("Jh").card(), (card)Card("Qd").card(),
Handlist::collection_t hands({
new SingleHandlist(Hand("AcKd")),
new ArrayHandlist({Hand("AhAs"), Hand("KhKs"), Hand("QcQd")})
result_collection res = calc.evaluate(hands, board, dead, NB_SAMPLES);
for( unsigned i = 0; i < hands.size(); ++i)
delete hands[i];