永辉生活脚本 | 顺丰速运脚本 | 朴朴超市脚本 | 统一茄皇脚本 | 海底捞小程序脚本 | 口味王会员中心小程序脚本 | 霸王茶姬小程序脚本 | 奈雪点单小程序脚本 | 卡夫亨氏新厨艺公众号脚本 | 韵达快递小程序脚本 | 中通快递小程序脚本 | 德邦快递小程序脚本 | 极兔速递小程序脚本 | 夸克云盘 | 网易生活研究社小程序脚本 | 顾家家居小程序脚本 | 宽哥之家小程序脚本 | 特步…
🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (Self-hosted file management and sharing system, supports multiple storage providers)
Get up and running with Llama 3.3, Mistral, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
A lightweight screen recorder based on ScreenCapture Kit for macOS / 基于 ScreenCapture Kit 的轻量化多功能 macOS 录屏工具
A Clash GUI based on tauri. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.
支持 Python3、JavaScript、Shell、Typescript 的定时任务管理平台(Timed task management platform supporting Python3, JavaScript, Shell, Typescript)
A GUI client for Windows, Linux and macOS, support Xray core and sing-box-core and others
🍀 package the workdir into a lightweight container runtime that can be executed directly.
OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2 & Gemini、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistributi…
Stable Diffusion web UI
Run a MySQL client from a docker container
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
Community interface for generative AI
A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.
Python version of the Playwright testing and automation library.
🍀 The Nature Programming Language, may you be able to experience the joy of programming.
ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
A full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language.
A memory safe implementation of sudo and su.
Fast and extensible multi-platform HTTP/1-2-3 web server with automatic HTTPS