# at repo root direcotry
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
gcloud auth login
# login to gcloud using [email protected]
gcloud config set run/region europe-north1
gcloud run deploy
# service name is zmk-pw-builder
# source is root directory
what you'll see is:
Deploying from source. To deploy a container use [--image]. See https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/deploying-source-code for more details.
Source code location (/Users/tliqun/Documents/Github-work/zmk-pw-builder):
Next time, use `gcloud run deploy --source .` to deploy the current directory.
Service name (zmk-pw-builder):
This command is equivalent to running `gcloud builds submit --tag [IMAGE] /Users/tliqun/Documents/Github-work/zmk-pw-builder` and `gcloud run deploy zmk-pw-builder --image [IMAGE]`
Building using Dockerfile and deploying container to Cloud Run service [zmk-pw-builder] in project [polarityworks] region [europe-north1]
⠛ Building and deploying... Building Container.
✓ Uploading sources...
⠛ Building Container... Logs are available at [https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/
. Creating Revision...
. Routing traffic...
docker build -t zmknode . docker run -p 8080:8080 --name zmkbuilder zmknode
docker exec -it zmkbuilder bash
docker ps docker stop zmkbuilder docker rm zmkbuilder
run the above commands go to localhost:8080 you should be able to see your docker building corne
gcloud run deploy pick europe-north1
gcloud config set run/region europe-north1
basically what i need to run is to initialize west
- a container with zmk-build-arm -> save to cloud registry
- CMD will pass it all the required arguments and just run west build
while running
- run CMD to update
- rebuild container an version up
FROM zmkfirmware/zmk-build-arm:2.5 COPY . . RUN ["west", "init", "-l", "config"] --> check if this config only requires west.yml or other stuff (most probably just west.yml) RUN ["west", "update"] RUN ["west", "zephyr-export"]
and then: https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/guides/west/build-flash-debug.html#west-building
FROM docker-zmk
CMD ["west", "build", "-d", "/build/output", "-s", "zmk/app", "-b", "nice_nano_v2", "--", "-DSHIELD=corne_left", "-DZMK_CONFIG=/config"]
west build -d /build/output -s zmk/app -b bt60 -- -DZMK_CONFIG=/config
volumes: - ./zmk-build:/build/output/zephyr