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Python OCR Screenshot Tool – Repository
Developed a Python script to capture full-screen or region-specific screenshots and extract text using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Added features include saving the extracted text to a file for automation or personal use. This tool is helpful for users needing to extract text from on-screen content.
Signup Card UI Improvement – Repository
Addressed user interface issues with the signup card by improving spacing and enhancing the close button for better usability. This update aligned the design with the login card, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing interface.
Login and Signup Popup UI Enhancement – Repository
Improved the UI for both login and signup popup cards, ensuring a smoother user experience with refined layout adjustments and interactions.
Quote Like Functionality Implementation – Repository
Implemented the "Like" feature for quotes, allowing users to like/unlike quotes by clicking a heart icon. The like status is stored in localStorage, ensuring persistence across page refreshes. Properly handled toggling of the heart icon and clearing the quote from localStorage when unliked.