It is a resource of knowledge that could be used to enrich a quest with information about various things, it could be a dataset like mailing lists or an api like mediawiki fetching information from wikipedia or some static websites or documentations, all wrapped around in a standard manner i.e. our VM API, to provide information.
Making a new vm
u = => vm_name )
Add a method for this vm in application_helper such that
It's name is vm_name
it inserts the titles of it's results in @arr for example if a vm is giving two results "description" and "example" about the query then it should do ... @arr << "description" and @arr << "example" that will help the platform to list it's results into respective places.
Adding a custom vm to a quest
Quest.find(quest_id) << Vm.find(vm_id)
Setting postgres (ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install postgres postres-contrib
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
- Setting postgres database (set password as well)
Creating and migrating the tables -
rake db:create rake db:migrate
rake pg_search:multisearch:rebuild[Qmail]
For local windows machine proxy settings using the manual way given at and set https_proxy=proxy:port
Linked Data describes a method of publishing structured data so that it can be interlinked and become more useful. It builds upon standard Web technologies such as HTTP, RDF and URIs, but rather than using them to serve web pages for human readers, it extends them to share information in a way that can be read automatically by computers. This enables data from different sources to be connected and queried.
On windows SET HTTPS_PROXY=http://server-ip:port/ to use heroku commands from CLI also if heroku run rake db:migrate does not work following might be useful heroku run:detached rake db:migrate
To reset search documents table execute this in rails console ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE from pg_search_documents") For viewing table information run heroku pg:psql and then following
SELECT schemaname,relname,n_live_tup FROM pg_stat_user_tables ORDER BY n_live_tup DESC;
JSON Builder
Execute the code shown below to develop a arraylist in the given format.
@users = User.all @userlist = [] @users.each do |user| @userlist << { :id =>, :fname => user.fname, :lname => user.lname, :photo => user.profile_pic.url(:small) } end
Save the above generated content in a file"yourfile.json","w"){|file| file.write(@userlist.to_json)}
Then load the json file again and parse the file using JSON
file = open("yourfile.json") json = parsed = JSON.parse(json)
Mongoid by default overrides the default activerecord generators so need to
use following commands to generate activerecord models or migrations.
ruby rails g active_record:model Xyz
Words too long to be indexed - this error is because of some of the qmails have content which have xml tags like "<w:", "gte 9" etc. removing these removes this error.
installing rails_12 factor gem resolved the issue