Tags: parallaxisjones/streamalert
Merge pull request airbnb#584 from airbnb/ryandeivert-1.6.0-bump bumping version from 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0
Merge pull request airbnb#317 from airbnb/ryandeivert-cb-alert-watchl… …ist-hit-feedsearch-binary-update "other_hostnames" optional in "carbonblack:alert.watchlist.hit.feedsearch.binary"
Merge pull request airbnb#220 from airbnb/ryandeivert-another-logger-… …tweak [lambda][rule] logging incoming data after being pre-parsed instead of before
Merge pull request airbnb#163 from airbnb/ryandeivert-pylint-tests-an… …d-cleanup-reorg [tests] cleaning up unit tests in preparation of adding alert processor unit tests