Tags: pariser/scss-lint
0.26.1 release * Fix `TrailingSemicolon` incorrectly reporting `@include`s with block contents * Fix `UnnecessaryParentReference` incorrectly reporting using of `&` with concatenation * Fix `SingleLinePerSelector` crashing for selectors that contained interpolated function calls * Add additional properties to the `concentric` preset order * Fix `LeadingZero` crashing on multi-line strings with interpolation
0.26.0 release = New Features * Add `severity` option allowing the severity level of a lint to be configured * Include linter name in lint description * Add `character` option to `Indentation` linter which allows specifying tabs or spaces as the indentation character of choice * Add `SingleLinePerProperty` linter which checks that properties each reside on their own line * Add support to `PropertySortOrder` to specify a preset sort order via the `order` property * Add [`concentric`](http://rhodesmill.org/brandon/2011/concentric-css/) preset sort order to the `PropertySortOrder` linter * Add `ignore_unspecified` option to `PropertySortOrder` to indicate that unspecified properties in custom sort orderings are to be ignored (i.e. they can appear anywhere) * Add `ignore` option to `Compass::PropertyWithMixin` linter allowing you to not warn for certain properties * Add `ignored_names` option to `CapitalizationInSelector`, allowing you to whitelist certain names as not needing to follow the convention * Add `ignored_types` option to `CapitalizationInSelector`, allowing you to selectively ignore capitalization in certain types of selectors * Add `UnnecessaryParentReference` linter which checks nested selectors for extraneous parent references * Teach `TrailingSemicolon` to report lints for uses of `@extend`, `@include`, or variable declarations without semicolons = Changes * Change CLI to return exit code of `1` if only warnings are reported, or `2` if any errors are reported (was previously `65` for either) * Update `sass` dependency to require 3.3.7 or later (fixes a parsing bug) * Include test files in gem distribution * Rename `TrailingSemicolonAfterPropertyValue` to `TrailingSemicolon` = Bug Fixes * Fix bug in `SpaceBeforeBrace` linter where an erroneous lint would be reported for a brace on its own line * Fix bug in `SpaceAfterComma` where trailing spaces followed by a newline after a comma would incorrectly report a lint * Fix `SingleLinePerSelector` to ignore any selectors that contain interpolation
0.25.0 release * Fix bug in `Indentation` linter where `@at-root` directives with inline selectors would erroneously report incorrect indentation levels * Fix bug in `Indentation` linter where rule nodes with selectors spread over multiple lines and a single inline property would incorrectly report a lint * Add `ElsePlacement` linter which checks the position of `@else` directives with respect to the previous curly brace * Replace `allow_extra_spaces` option on `SpaceAfterPropertyColon` linter with `style` which accepts multiple different property spacing styles * Fix bug in `PlaceholderInExtend` linter which erroneously report lints for selectors with interpolated strings
0.24.1 release * Fix bug in `TrailingSemicolonAfterPropertyValue` to not crash on a one-line property without a semicolon * Fix crash due to `DefaultReporter` not being loaded on Windows machines * Fix bug in `MergeableSelector` where it would crash checking rules with interpolation
0.24.0 release * Extend `DuplicateRoot` to `MergeableSelector` linter to check for nested rule sets that can be merged in addition to root-level ones * Add `ConfigReporter` formatter which returns a valid `.scss-lint.yml` configuration file where all linters that caused a lint are disabled * Fix bug in `Indentation` linter where `@at-root` directives were not treated as an increase in indentation level * Fix `ZeroUnit` to only report lints for zero values in [lengths](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/length) * Fix crash in `SingleLinePerSelector` for selectors containing only interpolation * Add `--show-formatters` option to display all available formatters * Add `HexValidation` to validate hex colors * Split `HexFormat` into `HexLength` (checking length) and `HexNotation` (checking lowercase / uppercase)
0.23.0 release * Fix character escaping in XML attributes output by `XMLReporter` * Fix bug in `ZeroUnit` where hex color codes or real numbers with a zero decimal unit would report a false positive * Fix bug in `Shorthand` linter where `!important` priority overrides would prevent lints from being reported * Add `UnnecessaryMantissa` linter which checks for zero value decimals in numbers (i.e. prefers `4` over `4.0`) * `XMLReporter` now includes `column` and `length` information for lints * Fix class of bugs in `SpaceBeforeBrace` where a false positive could be reported for braces that aren't part of declarations * Teach `Compass::PropertyWithMixin` to prefer `inline-block` mixin over `display: inline-block` * Add `DuplicateRoot` linter which checks for identical rules used as root selectors in a document
0.22.0 release * Add `allow_single_line_padding` option to `SpaceBeforeBrace` which allows you to visually align multiple single line blocks with extra padding spaces * Add `FinalNewline` linter which checks for existence/lack of final newlines in files * Fix bug in `ZeroUnit` linter where a string with a substring that looked like a zero followed by units would incorrectly report a lint * Fix bug in `TrailingSemicolonAfterPropertyValue` where a lint would be incorrectly reported for properties split up over multiple lines * Fix bug in `UrlFormat` where using a data URL would be incorrectly reported as a URL with protocol * Add `allow_extra_spaces` option to `SpaceAfterPropertyColon` which allows you to use extra spaces to align values * Fix bug in `SpaceBeforeBrace` linter when using `{` in single quotes