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Clerical Coq Formalization

This repository provides a full formalization of the imperative programming language Clerical in Coq. It includes syntax, type system, denotational semantics, specifications and their proof rules, soundness proofs of the rules, and some examples and their proofs.


It is checked to compile by coq_makefile under the Coq Proof Assistant version 8.18 and 8.19. To compile the formalization part of this project, run make in the clerical directory. To compile the examples part of this project, run make in the clerical/examples directory.


The clerical/examples directory contains example programs and their proofs. For example, in Examples.ProgAbs, a clerical expression defined parametically on k that computes the absolute value of the real number that the variable k stores:

Definition clerical_abs (k : nat) :=
       VAR (S k) ;<; EXP ( :-: (VAR 0) :-: (INT 1)) ==> ;-; VAR (S k)
     | ;-; EXP ( :-: (Var 0) :-: (INT 1)) ;<; Var (S k) ==> VAR (S k)

Here, VAR k denotes a variable with its De Bruijn index k. Mathematical symbols surrounded by : : denote integer operations and those surrounded by ; ; denote real operations. Though in this example only binary nondeterministim is used, our formalization provides arbitrarily many guarded expressions using the grammar CASE e1 ==> c1 | .. | en ==> cn END.

Using our prove rules, in the same file, we prove the correctness specification:

Lemma clerical_abs_correct :
  forall Γ k (w : Γ |- VAR k : REAL),
    [γ : Γ] |-  {{True}} clerical_abs k {{y : REAL | y = Rabs (var_access Γ k REAL w γ) }}ᵗ.	  

Here, var_access Γ k REAL w γ denotes accessing the variable k of a state γ : sem_ctx Γ. The triple denotes the total correctness of clerical_abs k in the sense that for any state γ satisfying True, the expression clerical_abs k always terminates yielding a value y : REAL such that y = Rabs (var_access Γ k REAL w γ).

There are other examples as well. In Examples.ProgSine, we define and prove the sine function. In Examples.ProgPi, we define and prove a closed expression computing π:

Lemma clerical_pi_correct :
  [_ : nil] |- {{True}} clerical_pi  {{y : REAL | y = PI}}.

Here, PI is the constant π that we import from Coq's standard library. However, the theory isn't enough to prove our program. For example, the proof of our program requires the irrationality of π. The mathematical knowledge required in our program proofs is partially proved or admitted in Examples.Mathematics.


The formalization is in the formalization directory that corresponds to the Clerical logical path. The formalization directory consists of the subdirectories: Preliminaries and Powerdomain. The base axioms of our type theory including what makes Prop classical, some preliminary mathematical facts and some basic tactics are declared or defined in Preliminaries. Based on that, in Powerdomain, we define a powerdomain as a monad pdom : Type -> Type and prove various properties including its ω-completeness. There, we also define various functions that are used later in the semantic construction.

Files in the formalization directory formalize Clerical:

Syntax and Typing

In Syntax, we define the Syntax of Clerical expressions and their typing rules are defined in Typing. Both are defined inductively.

There, the notations

Γ |- e : τ 
Γ ;;; Δ ||- e : τ

are defined. Γ |- e : τ means that a Clerical expression e has type τ under a read-only context Γ and Γ ;;; Δ ||- e : τ means that a Clerical expression e has type τ under a read-write context Γ ;;; Δ where Γ is for read-only variabes and Δ is for read-write variables.

Since Coq's standard list notation adds elements from the left: x :: l. Since we want to add elements from the right, we define and use the new notations:

Notation "a ::: b" := (cons b a) (at level 60, left associativity).
Notation "a +++ b" := (app b a) (right associativity, at level 60).

They are in Preliminaries.ListConstr. Thanks to the new notation, we have more intuitive typing rules. For example, we have

 (Γ +++ Δ) |- e : BOOL -> 
 Γ ;;; Δ ||- c1 : τ -> 
 Γ ;;; Δ ||- c2 : τ -> 
 Γ ;;; Δ ||- IF e THEN c1 ELSE c2 END : τ

instead of having Δ ++ Γ.

In TypingProperties, various properties of our type system are proven including that our typing rules are unambiguous.


In Semantics, we define the denotational semantics of Clerical datatypes, contexts, and expressions. The datatypes denotes the standard types:

sem_datatype : datatype -> Type

The semantics of contexts is defined recursively as

sem_ctx Γ := match Γ with 
  | nil => unit
  | Γ' ::: τ => sem_ctx Γ' * sem_datatype τ

Using the powerdomain, recursively on well-typedness of expressions, we define the denotational semantics of well-typed expressions.

sem_exp_ro Γ e τ (w : Γ |- e : τ) : sem_ctx Γ -> pdom (sem_datatype τ)
sem_exp_rw Γ Δ e τ (w : Γ ;;; Δ ||- e : τ) :  sem_ctx Γ -> sem_ctx Δ -> pdom (sem_ctx Δ * sem_datatype τ)

In SemanticsProperties, various properties of our semantics are proven including that they are irrelevant to specific type derivations. For example when we have two type derivations w1 : Γ |- e : τ and w2 : Γ |- e : τ, we have that their semantics are equal: sem_exp_ro Γ e τ w1 γ = sem_exp_ro Γ e τ w1 γ for all γ.


In Specification, we define specifications. For an expression e, a pre-condition ϕ : sem_ctx Γ -> Prop, and a post-condition ψ : sem_ctx Γ * sem_datatype τ -> Prop,

  • partial correctness

    [| γ : Γ |]  |= {{ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, y)}}ᵖ 

    denotes that there exists a witness of well-typedness w : Γ |- e : τ where for any γ : sem_ctx Γ such that ϕ γ holds, sem_exp_ro Γ e τ w γ is non-empty and for any total v ∈ sem_exp_ro Γ e τ w γ, the post-condition ψ (γ, v) holds.

  • total correctness

    [| γ : Γ |] |= {{ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, y)}}ᵗ

    denotes the same and that is not in the semantics.

Specifications of read-write expressions are defined similarly.
For an expression e, a pre-condition ϕ : sem_ctx Γ * sem_ctx Δ -> Prop, and a post-condition ψ : sem_ctx Γ * (sem_ctx Δ * sem_datatype τ) -> Prop,

  • partial correctness
    [| γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ |] ||= w {{ϕ (γ, δ)}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, (δ, y))}}ᵖ
    denotes that there exists a witness w : Γ ;;; Δ ||- e : τ where for any γ : sem_ctx Γ and δ : sem_ctx Δ such that ϕ (γ, δ) holds, sem_exp_rw Γ Δ e τ w γ is non-empty and for any total (δ', v) ∈ sem_exp_ro Γ e τ w γ, the post-condition ψ (γ, (δ' v)) holds.
  • total correctness
    [| γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ |] ||= w {{ϕ (γ, δ)}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, (δ, y))}}ᵖ
    denotes the same and that is not in the semantics.

Furthermore in the same file assertions' notations are defined:

  • [γ : Γ] |- {{ϕ}} denotes fun γ : sem_ctx Γ => ϕ,
  • [γ : Γ] |- {{y : τ | ϕ}} denotes fun '((γ, y) : sem_ctx Γ * sem_datatype τ) => ϕ,
  • [γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ] ||- {{ϕ}} denotes fun '((γ, y) : sem_ctx Γ * δ : sem_ctx Δ) => ϕ,
  • and [γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ] ||- {{y : τ | ϕ}} denotes fun '((γ, (δ, y)) : sem_ctx Γ * (sem_ctx Δ * sem_datatype τ)) => ϕ.

Reasoning Rules

In ReasoningRules, we define our verification calculus inductively: for a context Gamma, an expression e, a data type τ, a pre-condition ϕ, and a post-condition ψ,

  • [γ : Γ] |- {{ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, y)}}ᵖ denotes that the calculus proves the partial correctness and
  • [γ : Γ] |- {{ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, y)}}ᵗ denotes that the calculus proves the total correctness assuming that e is a read-only expression.


  • [γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ] ||- {{ϕ (γ, δ)}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, (δ, y))}}ᵖ denotes that the calculus proves the partial correctness and
  • [γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ] ||- {{ϕ (γ, δ)}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, (δ, y))}}ᵗ denotes that the calculus proves the total correctness assuming that e is a read-write expression.

Note that here we do not require e to be well-typed. Instead, we prove that all correctness triples derived from our calculus are well-typed implicitly in the soundness theorem.

The soundness of the proof rules is proved in ReasoningSoundness.

Lemma proves_ro_prt_sound : forall Γ e τ ϕ ψ, 
  [γ : Γ]  |- {{ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, y)}}ᵖ -> [γ : Γ]  |= w {{ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, y)}}ᵖ.
with proves_ro_tot_sound : forall Γ e τ ϕ ψ, 
  [γ : Γ]  |- {{ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, y)}}ᵗ -> [γ : Γ]  |= w {{ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, y)}}ᵗ.
with proves_rw_prt_sound : forall Γ Δ e τ ϕ ψ, 
  [γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ] ||- {{ϕ (γ, δ)}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, (δ, y))}}ᵖ -> [γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ] ||= {{ϕ (γ, δ)}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, (δ, y))}}ᵖ.
with proves_rw_tot_sound : forall Γ Δ e τ ϕ ψ, 
  [γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ] ||- {{ϕ (γ, δ)}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, (δ, y))}}ᵗ -> [γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ] ||= {{ϕ (γ, δ)}} e {{y : τ | ψ (γ, (δ, y))}}ᵗ.

In ReasoningAdmissible, we prove some admissible rules.

In ReasoningUtils, various utility functions in applying proof rules are defined.

To use the rules, when the pre or post-conditions that we use are in the form of functions on patterns, Coq's inference engine often fails. For example, when we have fun '(γ, δ) => γ = δ as a pre-condition, in some case, applying a rule may complain that it cannot infer it. In the case, use patf as a placeholder to teach Coq engine that the argument is supposed to be a function of the form fun '(?, ?) => ?. Similarly, use pattf for fun '(?, (?, ?)) => ?. They are Coq notatations defined in ReasoningRules.

Base setting of the underlying type theory

We use Coq considering Prop to be a classical set of classical propositions. We assume some axioms that are considered valid under this interpretation. The axioms are declared in Preliminaries.BaseAxioms. They are (1) Prop-level law of excluded middle, (2) Prop-level (dependently)countable choice, (3) Prop-level dependent choice and (4) Prop-propositional extensionality. We also frequently use dependent induction and dependent destruction tactics which assume UIP which is derivable by the additionally assumed axioms. Furthermore, we assume (dependent)function extensionality.

One possible danger to this interpretation is our use of Coq's standard library of real numbers. Using their axioms, we use Rltb'' : R -> R -> bool as the exact comparison function. The presence of this function is not feasible when we suppose bool : Set is constructive.

In the future, the unrealizable function Rltb'' : R -> R -> bool can be replaced. (It should be feasible to replace.)


The Powerdomain project consists of several different source files. The file Powerdomain.Powerdomain is the main file that exports everything.

The powerdomain we use is a variant of the Plotkin powerdomain. That means we have to deal with something being infinite very often. In the file Powerdomain.PowerdomainInfinite, we define a Prop-level definition of a type being infinite and prove various properties. We define a type A as being infinite by the classical existence of an injective mapping from nat. By classical reasonings, we prove useful choice lemmas. The most important lemma proved there that is later used often is

Lemma Pigeon : forall {A : Type} (P : A -> Type),
	infinite {a : A & P a} ->
		infinite A \/ exists a : A, infinite (P a).

a version of Pigeon hole principle, which says when a dependent pair type is infinite, (classically) either the index type is infinite or there is a fiber that is infinite.

Based on the definition of infinite types, we define our powerdomain as a type-level mapping in Powerdomain.PowerdomainMonad and prove its monadic structure. They are

pdom : Type -> Type
pdom_lift {X Y : Type} : (X -> Y) -> (pdom X -> pdom Y)
pdom_bind {X Y : Type} : (X -> pdom Y) -> (pdom X -> pdom Y)
pdom_unit {X : Type} : X -> pdom X
pdom_mult {X : Type} : pdom (pdom X) -> pdom X

There, we also define the flat domain flat : Type -> Type inductively defined by the two constructors ⊥ {X : Type} : flat X and total {X : Type} : X -> flat X. The powerdomain pdom X is defined as a sigma type {S : flat X -> Prop | infinite {x |S x } -> S ⊥}. In Powerdomain.PowerdomainProperties we prove various useful properties about the monadic actions; e.g., pdom_bind_empty_1 is a lemma for a sufficient condition the result of a binding operation yielding the empty set. In contrast, pdom_bind_empty_2 is a lemma for a necessary condition. For a powerdomain operation ops and a property P, the library provides lemmas which are used to reason their behaviours:

  • pdom_ops_P_1: a sufficient condition the result of ops satisfies P
  • pdom_ops_P_2: a necessary condition the result of ops satisfies P We consider the three properties: P = empty the result is empty, P = bot the result contains ⊥, and P = total the result contains total a for any a.

In Powerdomain.PowerdomainCompleteness, we define partial orders on powerdomains

pdom_le {X : Type} : pdom X -> pdom X -> Prop
Infix "⊑" := (pdom_le) (at level 80).

and on the mappings to powerdomains

pdom_fun_le {X Y : Type} : (X -> pdom Y) -> (X -> pdom Y) -> Prop
Infix "≤" := (pdom_fun_le) (at level 80).

where the latter is defined as the point-wise ordering of the first. In the file, we prove that both pdom X and X -> pdom Y for any X and Y are ω-complete. We first define pdom_chain_sup as a general operation on countable chains and prove that for any countable chains, the subset generated by pdom_chain_sup is indeed the least upper bound of the chain. We do similarly to the function types. In Powerdomain.PowerdomainOrderProperties we use various useful lemmas about supremum in the above fashion. (E.g., pdom_chain_bot_2 is a lemma stating a necessary condition for a supremum of a countable chain containing ⊥.)

Finally, in Powerdomain.PowerdomainFixedpoints we prove the Least Fixed-point theorem for powerdomains and function types to a powerdomain. Again, we define general operations on monotone endofunctions, which are to obtain the supremum of the bottom chains, and prove that when the endofunctions are continuous, the supremum is indeed a least fixed point.

In Powerdomain.PowerdomainSemantics we define powerdomain functions that are later used in the denotational semantics. Here, we define pdom_case_list {X : Type} : (list ((pdom bool) * (pdom X))) -> pdom X for our nondeterministic construction. Again, its properties are proven in the file. (E.g., pdom_case_list_total_1 gives us a sufficient condition for pdom_case_list (e1, c1) :: (e2, c2) :: ... ::nil contains total x.)

Then, the continuity of pdom_bind is proven. More precisely, we prove that pdom_bind is continuous on its first function argument by the lemma pdom_bind_fst_continuous:

  Lemma pdom_bind_fst_continuous {X Y : Type} (S : pdom X) :
    forall (s : nat -> (X -> pdom Y)) (c : pdom_fun_is_chain s),
      pdom_bind (pdom_fun_chain_sup s c) S = pdom_chain_sup (fun n => pdom_bind (s n) S) (pdom_fun_chain_bind_chain S s c).

The lemma and another lemma stating that if-then-else {X : Type} : bool -> pdom X -> pdom X -> pdom X operation is continuous on its first branch argument

  Lemma pdom_ite_fst_continuous {X : Type} (S : pdom X) (s : nat -> pdom X) (c : pdom_is_chain s) :
    (fun b : bool => if b then pdom_chain_sup s c else S) = pdom_fun_chain_sup _ (pdom_chain_ite_fun_chain S s c).

plays the key role in proving the continuity of W operator generating the loops' recurrence equation

Definition pdom_W {X : Type} (b : X -> pdom bool) (c : X -> pdom X) : (X -> pdom X) -> X -> pdom X.
    intros f.
    intro x.
    exact (pdom_bind (fun (b : bool) => if b then (pdom_bind f) (c x) else pdom_unit x) (b x)). 

Then, we define pdom_while {X : Type} : (X -> pdom bool) -> (X -> pdom X) -> X -> pdom X. as the least fixed-point of the pdom_W operator.

In Powerdomain.PowerdomainSemantics2 we prepare various real numbers and integer operations using pdom. For example, there we define the limit operator using pdom and Coq's standard real number library.

Concatenated States

We often concatenate states. Given γ : sem_ctx Γ and δ : sem_ctx Δ, to feed the states into a read-only expression's semantics, we need to merge them to be sem_ctx (Γ +++ Δ). The concatenation is recursively defined and we denote it by (γ ; δ) : sem_ctx (Γ +++ Δ). Also, we have to often split the merged states. They are also defined recursively and denoted by fst_app : sem_ctx (Γ +++ Δ) -> sem_ctx Γ and
snd_app : sem_ctx (Γ +++ Δ) -> sem_ctx Δ. Now, there are very tedious equalities such as (fst_app x ; snd_app x) = x, or fst_app (x ; y) = x. They are defined in the TediousList section of Semantics.

Without proof, the tactics reduce_tedious and reduce_tedious ident reduce almost every expression.

Finitely Dependent Types for Case

The formal syntax of Clerical is defined in Syntax. The expressions are defined as an inductive type exp. The nondeterministic case expression is supposed to have a list of pairs of expressions:

| CaseList : list (exp * exp) -> exp

An expression of the form CaseList (e1, c1) :: (e2, c2) :: ... :: (en, cn) :: nil denotes CASE e1 ==> c1 | ... | en ==> cn END.

In Typing when we define the well-typedness of a case expression case e1 => c1 | ... | en => cn end we want to make sure that each ei and ci are well-typed. To state this for an arbitrary l in CaseList l, we use the following inductive type

Inductive ForallT {A : Type} (P : A -> Type): list A -> Type :=
| ForallT_nil : ForallT P nil
| ForallT_cons : forall x l, P x -> ForallT P l -> ForallT P (x::l).

and write ForallT (fun ec : exp * exp => ((Γ +++ Δ) |- fst ec : BOOL) * (Γ ;;; Δ ||- snd ec : τ)) l in the premise of the typing rule of CaseList l.

In ReasoningRules, to write down the proof rule of case expression, for a list l : list (exp * exp), we require l dependent list of well-typednesses using the ForallT:

wty_l : ForallT (fun ec => ((Γ +++ Δ) |- fst ec : BOOL) * (Γ ;;; Δ ||- snd ec : τ)) l

also a l dependent list of postconditions

θ : ForallT (fun ec => sem_ro_ctx (Γ +++ Δ) * bool -> Prop) l

and a list of premise specifications which is a list dependent on wty_l and θ which are l dependent lists. To express this we define the inductive type:

Inductive ForallT2 {A} (P Q: A -> Type) (R : forall a, P a -> Q a -> Type) : forall l, ForallT P l -> ForallT Q l -> Type :=
  ForallT2_nil : ForallT2 P Q R nil (ForallT_nil P) (ForallT_nil Q)
| ForallT2_cons :forall l a t1 t2 p q,  ForallT2 P Q R l t1 t2 -> R a p q -> ForallT2 P Q R (a :: l) (ForallT_cons P a l p t1) (ForallT_cons Q a l q t2).

We write

ForallT2 _ _ 
  (fun ec wty_l θ  =>
    ([x : Δ ++ Γ] |- {{ϕ (fst_app x, snd_app x)}} fst ec {{y : BOOL | θ x y}}ᵖ) *
    ([γ : Γ ;;; δ : Δ] ||- {{θ ((γ; δ), true)}} snd ec {{y : τ | ψ (γ, (δ, y))}}ᵖ)) l θ

as the premise.

The list-dependent types are defined in Preliminaries.ListConstr.

The library provides binary case expressions separately. It will be removed and replaced by the general case expression soon.

Arithmetical Expressions

There are proof rules for each construct of expressions. For example, to prove something about 42 + 42 + 42, we need to apply proof rules for each 42 and the additions.

A Clerical expression is called arithmetical when it is arithmetical... See Utils.Arith. In the file, we prove that when an expression e is arithmetical, and if it is well-typed w : Γ |- e : τ, there (constructively) exists a function f : sem_ctx Γ -> sem_datatype τ such that

[γ : Γ] |- {{True}} e {{y : τ | y = f γ}}ᵖ


Again constructively, there is a predicate P : sem_ctx Γ -> Prop such that

[γ : Γ] |- {{P γ}} e {{y : τ | y = f γ}}ᵗ

holds. The safety predicate P tracks division-by-zero and real number comparisons in e.

We prove that it is decidable if an expression is arithmetical or not.

Using the constructions of the predicates, functions and correctness lemmas, in Utils.ArithProver, we define a tactic prove_arith that derives a correctness triple of an arithmetical expression and automatically applies IMPLY rule. For example, when we face a goal of type [γ : Γ] |- {{ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | ψ γ y}}ᵗ the tactic first judges if e is arithmetical. If it is, it derives the correctness triple [γ : Γ] |- {{P γ}} e {{y : τ | y = f γ}}ᵗ. Then, the tactic applies the admissible rule for posing additional conditions on a read-only context to get [γ : Γ] |- {{P γ /\ ϕ γ}} e {{y : τ | y = f γ /\ ϕ γ}}ᵗ. Applying the IMPLY rule, the tactic reduces the original triple to implications.

This tactic works also for partial correctness goals.

A similar tactic prove_assign_arith τ is defined to prove a triple for assigning an arithmetical expression of type τ to a variable. It calls prove_arith internally.


Important Lemmas and constructions


Coq formalization of Clerical







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