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Tags: parksangkil/Quick



Toggle v1.2.0's commit message


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ikesyo IKEDA Sho
This release fully supports Xcode 9 (both Swift 3.2 and Swift 4) and …

…still works with Xcode 8.3 + Swift 3.1! 🎉

- Introduce `Behavior<Context>` Quick#701 (Thanks @mosamer)
- Support Xcode 9 / Swift 4 Quick#711, Quick#721, Quick#730 and Quick#735 (Thanks @ikesyo, @sharplet)

- Performance improvment for large test suites Quick#697 (Thanks @dbarden)
- Better conformance to SwiftLint (Thanks @ecylo, @ikesyo, @nasakinmaxim, @wongzigii)

- Fix japanese document typo Quick#738 (Thanks @acaibowl)

- SwiftLint will be executed only builds for testing Quick#694 (Thanks @nerd0geek1)
- Fix SwiftPM integration with generated Xcode projects Quick#708 (Thanks @ikesyo)
- Fix SPM integration Quick#746 (Thanks @sunshinejr)


Toggle v1.1.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui


New Features

- Adds `fitBehavesLike to allow focusing of specific instanciations of shared examples (Thanks @wongzigii)
- Add SwiftPM support on macOS (Thanks @ikesyo)
- Add Documentation about Shared Examples in Portuguese (Thanks @pedrovereza)


- `SharedExampleContext` is now `[String: Any]` instead of `NSDictionary` (Thanks @Devdrey)
- Better conformance to SwiftLint (Thanks @ikesyo, @wongzigii)


- Quick no longer prints warnings if SwiftLint is not installed (Thanks @wongzigii)
- Fix bug where Quick didn't work with test bundles with non-c99 valid identifiers (Thanks @MP0w)


Toggle v1.0.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Quick v1.0.0


Ah, we finally reached 1.0.0! Other than the official christening of a major
version, there's mostly smaller code changes from v0.10.0. From here on out,
we'll be following [semantic versioning]( rules like

This release is intended to work with Xcode 8.1 / Swift 3.


 - Fix bug where test modules with spaces failed to run tests
 - Remove dependency on Nimble for Swift Package Manager

Documentation Changes:

 - Add version table for Quick / Nimble versions to Swift versions in README
 - Update docs for testing with mocks / doubles
 - Update function prototypes for shared examples
 - Update docs for setting up with Xcode
 - Add section about who uses Quick. Feel free to [add yourself]( or [add a testimonial](!
 - Add shared examples documentation in zh-cn (Chinese)
 - Add behavioral testing in pt-BR (Portuguese)
 - Add README in pt-BR (Portuguese)

See the [documentation](Documentation/ directory for a list of
languages or contribute one!

Thanks to @takecian, @ikesyo, @pedrovereza, @CodingItWrong, @istx25, @MP0w,
@wongzigii, @rastersize, @marciok and the many contributors leading up to 1.0.0!


Toggle v0.10.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Quick v0.10.0


This release supports Swift 3.

Other changes:

- Improve documentation. Thanks @takecian, @istx25, @wongzigii!
- Add more documentation in Chinese. Thanks @LinShiwei!

Special Thanks to @ikesyo, @briancroom, @norio-nomura, @knellr, @andersio,
@kylef for all the work of getting Quick to work with Swift 3.


Toggle v0.9.3's commit message

This release supports Xcode 8 beta and Swift 2.3.


- Support Xcode 8 beta and Swift 2.3. Thanks, @ikesyo and @sharplet!
- Fixed a potential crash, in which a `QuickSpec` subclass could call
  `+[QuickSpec initialize]`, thus kicking off an infinite recursion. Thanks,
- Disables bitcode on tvOS. Thanks, @phatblat!


Toggle v0.9.2's commit message
Quick v0.9.2


This release supports Xcode 7.3 and the Swift package manager from `DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a`.


- Fixed example spec in doc comment Quick#512, Quick#513. Thanks @muukii & @phatblat!
- Resolved Swift 2.2 deprecation warnings in Xcode 7.3 Quick#504. Thanks @phatblat!
- Updated Nimble submodule to 4.0. Thanks @ashfurrow!
- Reworked suspendObservation Quick#486. Thanks @briancroom!
- Fixed typo Quick#493. Thanks @pixyzehn!
- Fixed image URL in docs Quick#457. Thanks @takecian!
- Fixed `afterSuite` Quick#488. Thanks @briancroom!
- Linux update Quick#474. Thanks @briancroom!
- xctool cleanup Quick#483. Thanks @mokagio!
- Japanese doc translations Quick#476, Quick#477, Quick#478, Quick#479, Quick#480, Quick#481, Quick#484. Thanks @takecian!


Toggle v0.9.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
modocache Brian Gesiak
This release supports Xcode 7.2 and the Swift package manager from



- Thanks to @morganchen12 and @jwfriese, Quick now displays more informative
  error messages when the describe/context/it language is used incorrectly.
  For example, `it("foo") { afterEach {} }` will now raise an exception with
  the message: "'afterEach' cannot be used inside 'it', 'afterEach' may only be
  used inside 'context' or 'describe'."
- Thanks to @paulyoung and @briancroom, Quick may now be installed via the
  Swift package manager. See the
  [`Package.swift` file](
  file for an example of how to specify a dependency.
- A nasty issue would cause Quick to fail to execute certain tests after the
  user ran a specific test via the Xcode test navigator (see
  Quick#373 and
  Quick#439) for details. Thanks to @sharplet,
  this issue has been fixed.


Toggle v0.9.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
modocache Brian Gesiak
This release supports Xcode 7.2 and the Swift package manager from



- Thanks to @morganchen12 and @jwfriese, Quick now displays more informative
  error messages when the describe/context/it language is used incorrectly.
  For example, `it("foo") { afterEach {} }` will now raise an exception with
  the message: "'afterEach' cannot be used inside 'it', 'afterEach' may only be
  used inside 'context' or 'describe'."
- Thanks to @paulyoung and @briancroom, Quick may now be installed via the
  Swift package manager. See the
  [`Package.swift` file](
  file for an example of how to specify a dependency.
- A nasty issue would cause Quick to fail to execute certain tests after the
  user ran a specific test via the Xcode test navigator (see
  Quick#373 and
  Quick#439) for details. Thanks to @sharplet,
  this issue has been fixed.


Toggle v0.8.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Quick v0.8.0


This release supports Xcode 7.1 with better tvOS support.


- tvOS is a separate build target instead of iOS
- updated import headers to be relative from module-based imports


Toggle v0.7.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
jeffh Jeff Hui
Quick v0.7.0


- Xcode 7.0 support