Tags: parksangkil/Quick
This release fully supports Xcode 9 (both Swift 3.2 and Swift 4) and … …still works with Xcode 8.3 + Swift 3.1! 🎉 - Introduce `Behavior<Context>` Quick#701 (Thanks @mosamer) - Support Xcode 9 / Swift 4 Quick#711, Quick#721, Quick#730 and Quick#735 (Thanks @ikesyo, @sharplet) - Performance improvment for large test suites Quick#697 (Thanks @dbarden) - Better conformance to SwiftLint (Thanks @ecylo, @ikesyo, @nasakinmaxim, @wongzigii) - Fix japanese document typo Quick#738 (Thanks @acaibowl) - SwiftLint will be executed only builds for testing Quick#694 (Thanks @nerd0geek1) - Fix SwiftPM integration with generated Xcode projects Quick#708 (Thanks @ikesyo) - Fix SPM integration Quick#746 (Thanks @sunshinejr)
v1.1.0 ====== New Features ------------ - Adds `fitBehavesLike to allow focusing of specific instanciations of shared examples (Thanks @wongzigii) - Add SwiftPM support on macOS (Thanks @ikesyo) - Add Documentation about Shared Examples in Portuguese (Thanks @pedrovereza) Changes ------- - `SharedExampleContext` is now `[String: Any]` instead of `NSDictionary` (Thanks @Devdrey) - Better conformance to SwiftLint (Thanks @ikesyo, @wongzigii) Bugfixes -------- - Quick no longer prints warnings if SwiftLint is not installed (Thanks @wongzigii) - Fix bug where Quick didn't work with test bundles with non-c99 valid identifiers (Thanks @MP0w)
Quick v1.0.0 ================ Ah, we finally reached 1.0.0! Other than the official christening of a major version, there's mostly smaller code changes from v0.10.0. From here on out, we'll be following [semantic versioning](http://semver.org) rules like Nimble. This release is intended to work with Xcode 8.1 / Swift 3. Changes: - Fix bug where test modules with spaces failed to run tests - Remove dependency on Nimble for Swift Package Manager Documentation Changes: - Add version table for Quick / Nimble versions to Swift versions in README - Update docs for testing with mocks / doubles - Update function prototypes for shared examples - Update docs for setting up with Xcode - Add section about who uses Quick. Feel free to [add yourself](https://github.com/Quick/Quick/wiki/Projects-using-Quick) or [add a testimonial](https://github.com/Quick/Quick/wiki/Who-uses-Quick)! - Add shared examples documentation in zh-cn (Chinese) - Add behavioral testing in pt-BR (Portuguese) - Add README in pt-BR (Portuguese) See the [documentation](Documentation/README.md) directory for a list of languages or contribute one! Thanks to @takecian, @ikesyo, @pedrovereza, @CodingItWrong, @istx25, @MP0w, @wongzigii, @rastersize, @marciok and the many contributors leading up to 1.0.0!
Quick v0.10.0 ================ This release supports Swift 3. Other changes: - Improve documentation. Thanks @takecian, @istx25, @wongzigii! - Add more documentation in Chinese. Thanks @LinShiwei! Special Thanks to @ikesyo, @briancroom, @norio-nomura, @knellr, @andersio, @kylef for all the work of getting Quick to work with Swift 3.
v0.9.3 This release supports Xcode 8 beta and Swift 2.3. Changes: - Support Xcode 8 beta and Swift 2.3. Thanks, @ikesyo and @sharplet! - Fixed a potential crash, in which a `QuickSpec` subclass could call `+[QuickSpec initialize]`, thus kicking off an infinite recursion. Thanks, @briancroom! - Disables bitcode on tvOS. Thanks, @phatblat!
Quick v0.9.2 ================ This release supports Xcode 7.3 and the Swift package manager from `DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a`. Changes: - Fixed example spec in doc comment Quick#512, Quick#513. Thanks @muukii & @phatblat! - Resolved Swift 2.2 deprecation warnings in Xcode 7.3 Quick#504. Thanks @phatblat! - Updated Nimble submodule to 4.0. Thanks @ashfurrow! - Reworked suspendObservation Quick#486. Thanks @briancroom! - Fixed typo Quick#493. Thanks @pixyzehn! - Fixed image URL in docs Quick#457. Thanks @takecian! - Fixed `afterSuite` Quick#488. Thanks @briancroom! - Linux update Quick#474. Thanks @briancroom! - xctool cleanup Quick#483. Thanks @mokagio! - Japanese doc translations Quick#476, Quick#477, Quick#478, Quick#479, Quick#480, Quick#481, Quick#484. Thanks @takecian!
This release supports Xcode 7.2 and the Swift package manager from `2.2-SNAPSHOT-2016-01-11-a`. Changes: - Thanks to @morganchen12 and @jwfriese, Quick now displays more informative error messages when the describe/context/it language is used incorrectly. For example, `it("foo") { afterEach {} }` will now raise an exception with the message: "'afterEach' cannot be used inside 'it', 'afterEach' may only be used inside 'context' or 'describe'." - Thanks to @paulyoung and @briancroom, Quick may now be installed via the Swift package manager. See the [`Package.swift` file](https://github.com/Quick/Quick/blob/master/Package.swift) file for an example of how to specify a dependency. - A nasty issue would cause Quick to fail to execute certain tests after the user ran a specific test via the Xcode test navigator (see Quick#373 and Quick#439) for details. Thanks to @sharplet, this issue has been fixed.
This release supports Xcode 7.2 and the Swift package manager from `2.2-SNAPSHOT-2016-01-11-a`. Changes: - Thanks to @morganchen12 and @jwfriese, Quick now displays more informative error messages when the describe/context/it language is used incorrectly. For example, `it("foo") { afterEach {} }` will now raise an exception with the message: "'afterEach' cannot be used inside 'it', 'afterEach' may only be used inside 'context' or 'describe'." - Thanks to @paulyoung and @briancroom, Quick may now be installed via the Swift package manager. See the [`Package.swift` file](https://github.com/Quick/Quick/blob/master/Package.swift) file for an example of how to specify a dependency. - A nasty issue would cause Quick to fail to execute certain tests after the user ran a specific test via the Xcode test navigator (see Quick#373 and Quick#439) for details. Thanks to @sharplet, this issue has been fixed.