This library implements the Edge login system. It runs inside a client application, and provides zero-knowledge backup for cryptographic keys and other secrets via a familiar password-based login system.
To quickly get up and running with the UI for account creation, login, and management, use airbitz-core-js-ui.
Just use npm install --save edge-core-js
to add this library to your project.
If you are on React Native, you must also do:
# Install native support libraries:
npm install --save react-native-fast-crypto react-native-fs
npm install --save git://
npm install --save git://
# Link support libraries into the native project files:
react-native link react-native-fast-crypto
react-native link react-native-fs
react-native link react-native-randombytes
react-native link react-native-tcp
The bundled library uses only ES5 feature thanks to Bublé, but we do require the following ES2015 features either natively or as polyfills:
- Object.assign
- Promise
- Uint8Array
If you want to run in the browser, you must also have:
- fetch
- localStorage
- Window.crypto.getRandomNumbers
Run yarn
to download dependencies and build the library, then run yarn test
to run the unit tests, and yarn flow
to check for type errors.
All sources are in the JavaScript Standard Style + Prettier. We check files prior to each commit, so if you have formatting issues, you can run yarn format
to fix them automatically.
If you use Visual Studio Code, consider installing the prettier-vscode extension. You'll want to enable the prettier.eslintIntegration
configuration option for this to work seamlessly with Standard.
If you use Atom, you can use prettier-atom. You'll want to check the "ESLint Integration" setting for this to work seamlessly with Standard.