The following project performed as a part of "Machine Learning in 3D" offered by Technical University of Munich. It implements 3D-R2N2 model in Pytorch with Weights & Biases integration.
All the model weights and related artifacts can be found in our project page.
- Cervera, Pascual Tejero
- Kalkan, Doğukan
- Korkmaz, Baran Deniz
- Zverev, Daniil
All the datasets necessary to run training and validation processes stored in our project 3D-R2N2 (Weights & Biases). All artifacts are publicly available, you can find them in artifact menu. The framework itself can be easily installed by this command:
pip install -qqq wandb
Currently, we have following datasets:
- 3D-Future (Entire dataset)
- ShapeNet (Subsample of 1k objects)
In order to download them, run this command in your environment:
wandb artifact get ml43d-project/3dr2n2/shapenet:v1 --type dataset
wandb artifact get ml43d-project/3dr2n2/3D-FUTURE-model-Sample:v2 --type model
For your convenience we prepared colab notebook where you can investigate how the dataset looks like, as well as download pretrained model weights for quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Suppose that you unziped downloaded dataset to local folder "./data" then to start train pipeline, you should run following command:
python \
--train_split ./data/3D-FUTURE-model-Sample/splits/train.txt \
--val_split ./data/3D-FUTURE-model-Sample/splits/val.txt \
--path_to_dataset ./data/3D-FUTURE-model-Sample \
--logger_type wandb \
--num_renders 20 \
--batch_size 8 \
--learning_rate 0.0001 \
--random_renders True \
--validate_every_n 20
In order to get full description of command you can run "--help" command:
python --help
Model and training configurations can be found in following file src/configuration/train.ini
. You can either locally modify this file or simply override the configuration by passing necessary parameters as arguments to the training script. Here is an example of overriding:
python \
--train_split ./data/3D-FUTURE-model-Sample/splits/train.txt \
--val_split ./data/3D-FUTURE-model-Sample/splits/val.txt \
--path_to_dataset ./data/3D-FUTURE-model-Sample \
--logger_type wandb \
--max_epochs 1000 \
--num_renders 20 \
--batch_size 8 \
--num_workers 2 \
--conv_rnn3d_type lstm \
--encoder_decoder_type residual \
--conv_rnn3d_kernel_size 3 \
--learning_rate 0.0001 \
--random_renders True \
--accumulate_grad_batches 8 \
--validate_every_n 20
Once again, for your convenience, we prepared colab notebook, that install all necessary dependencies and runs training pipeline easily:
The structure of project looks like this:
- src
- callbacks
# Pytorch-lightning callbacks for evalutation logging, checkpoints
# and random view numbers for each batch
- configuration
# Configurating of training pipeline
- data
# Dataset modeules and dataloaders
- model
# Model inplementation
- scripts
# Scripts that transform ShapeNet and 3d-Future to
# our propreitary dataset format
- utils