Recommended to create a Python virtual environment
pip install ezdl
ezdl <ACTION>
mandatory arguments
action: Choose the action to do perform:
experiment, resume_run, complete, manipulate, app
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--resume Resume the experiment
-d DIR, --dir DIR Set the local tracking directory
-f FILE, --file FILE Set the config file
--grid GRID Select the first grid to start from
--run RUN Select the run in grid to start from
--filters FILTERS Filters to query in the resuming mode
-s STAGE, --stage STAGE
Stages to execute in the resuming mode
-p PATH, --path PATH Path to the tracking url in the resuming mode
--subset SUBSET Subset chosen for preprocessing
YAML file that contains all parameters necessary to the exepriment to be run.
It must have 3 top keys:
- experiment
- parameters
- other_grids
Let's see the CIFAR10 example:
# It contains all the about the grids and the group of runs:
name: Classification # name of the logger platform experiment
group: FirstGroup # name of group of experiments for the logger platform
continue_with_errors: False # continue with other runs even if a run fails
start_from_grid: 0 # skip grids in the grid search
start_from_run: 0 # skip runs from the selected grid
logger: clearml # logger platform to use
tracking_dir: './examplesExp' # dir where results will be saved
entity: null # Wandb entity (username)
excluded_files: null # glob of files to not upload to Wandb
# Contains the parameters to build the grid.
# Each value should be a dict or a list
tags: [[mytag1, mytag2]] # list of tags to attach to the run in logger platform
phases: [[train, test]] # list of phases
dataset_interface: [examples/cifar10/Cifar10] # Path to the dataset interface class
name: [cross_entropy] # class loss name
seed: [42] # random seed to set
max_epochs: [ 1, 2 ]
initial_lr: [ 0.0001 ]
optimizer: [ Adam ]
zero_weight_decay_on_bias_and_bn: [ True ]
average_best_models: [ False ]
greater_metric_to_watch_is_better: [ False ]
metric_to_watch: [ loss ]
freeze_pretrained: [ False ] # freeze the loaded pretrained weights
# Other parameters relative to Super-Gradients (see their docs)
patience: [ 10 ] # number of epochs before stopping
monitor: [ loss ] # metric to monitor
mode: [ min ] # metric to be minimized or maximized
# list of metrics to load from PyTorch metrics
# where the values are their parameters used for training
average: [macro]
num_classes: [10]
mdmc_average: [global]
# list of metrics to load from PyTorch metrics
# where the values are their parameters used for validation and test
num_classes: [10]
average: [macro]
mdmc_average: [global]
average: [macro]
num_classes: [10]
mdmc_average: [global]
average: [macro]
num_classes: [10]
mdmc_average: [global]
name: [resnet18] # path to model class or model name contained in EzDL or super-gradients
params: # model parameters
pretrained_weights: [imagenet]
num_classes: [10]
dataset: # parameters depending on the class you defined for the dataset
channels: [["R", "G", "B"]]
num_classes: [10]
batch_size: [8]
num_workers: [0]
batch_size: [8]
num_workers: [0]
# List of supplementary grids (can be empty) in which the parameters defined will override the first grid.