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Tags: passinger/Android-SDK



Toggle 0.4.2's commit message
0.4.2 release notes


Toggle 0.4.1's commit message
Version 0.4.1 of the SDK, bug fixes and enhancements:

 - CAN BREAK BUILD: MonitoringListener returns list of beacons the triggered enter region event (Estimote#18)
 - Better messaging when BeaconManager cannot start service to scan beacons (Estimote#25)
 - Fixed bug in SDK when other beacons are around (Estimote#27)


Toggle 0.4's commit message
Version 0.4 of the SDK:

 - Introducing ability to change beacon's UUID, major, minor, broadcasting power, advertising interval (see BeaconConnection class).
 - Dropping Guava dependency.


Toggle 0.3.1's commit message
README typo fix


Toggle 0.3's commit message
Version 0.3 of the SDK:

- Background monitoring is more robust and using AlarmService to invoke scanning.
- Default values for background monitoring were changed. Scanning is performed for 5 seconds and then service sleeps for 25 seconds. Those values can be changed with BeaconManager#setBackgroundScanPeriod.
- Beacons reported in RangingListener#onBeaconsDiscovered are sorted by accuracy (estimated distance between device and beacon).
- Bug fixes.


Toggle 0.2's commit message
Version 0.2 of the SDK. Lots of good changes including support for mo…
