Name : SeongYeol.Ryu
Nationality: South Korea
Birth : 1999.12.25
Position : BackEnd Dev
Education : Gachon.Univ (Computer Enginnering)
Notion Portfolio:
1.A person who values growing together rather than personal growth alone.
2.A person who adds energy to my team through my own efforts.
3.A responsible person who gets the job done no matter what."
Gachon.univ P_project - Embeded,HardWare Develope (python,rasberry pi)
-Duration:2023 09.01-12.21
KKSC Web Develope - Backend Develope(java,Spring)
Gachon.univ Capstone Design - Backend Develope(java,Spring)
KKSC App Develope - Backend Develope(java,Spring)
-Duration:2024.11.14 ~