Quick hack to visualize use of colors in McCarthy's The Road.
Rather ugly, in fact. Some of my concerns are documented in the script's docstring. It's a quick hack.
Most recently updated 27 October 2015. Licensed under the GPL v3+.
The following color mappings have been used:
color name | HTML color value |
black | #000000 |
white | #000000 |
bonecolored | #FFFFF0 (="ivory") |
candlecolored | #FFFAFA (="snow") |
gray | #808080 |
silver | #c0c0c0 |
ironcolored | #d4d7d9 |
leadcolored | #5e5c59 (=Australian Standard AS2700 N55) |
brown | #A52A2A |
mahogany | #C04000 |
green | #00ff00 |
blue | #0000ff |
grayblue | #8080bf |
lilac | #C8A2C8 |
rose | #FF007F |
red | #ff0000 |
orange | #FFA500 |
yellow | #FFFF00 |
amber | #FFBF00 |
gold | #FFD700 |
Sources for these decisions include W3School's list of standard browser colors, Wikipedia's entries for color names, and Encycolorpedia.