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Embedded Systems C++ Library Support (Currently wraps libcxx)


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This branch is 1 commit ahead of, 77 commits behind embeddedartistry/libcpp:master.

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Embedded Artistry libcpp

This project supplies a C++ standard library and C++ ABI library that can be used for microcontroller-based embedded systems projects.

This project is based on the clang libc++ and libc++abi libraries. Alternative implementations are provided for various files to support embedded systems usage.

The builds are highly configurable, allowing you to create a libc++ and libc++abi set that is tuned specifically to your system's needs.

Table of Contents

  1. About the Project
  2. Project Status
  3. Getting Started
    1. Requirements
    2. Getting the Source
    3. Building
    4. Usage
  4. Configuration Options
  5. Versioning
  6. How to Get Help
  7. Contributing
  8. License
  9. Authors

About the Project

This project supplies a C++ standard library and C++ ABI library that can be used for microcontroller-based embedded systems projects.

This project is based on the clang libc++ and libc++abi libraries. Alternative implementations are provided for various files to support embedded systems usage.

The builds are highly configurable, allowing you to create a libc++ and libc++abi set that is tuned specifically to your system's needs.

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Project Status

This project currently builds libc++ and libc++abi for x86, x86_64, arm, and arm64 processors. All relevant library configuration options have been ported from the CMake builds. See Configuration Options and meson_options.txt for the list of configurable settings.

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Getting Started


  • Meson is the build system
  • [git-lfs][7] is used to store binary files in this repository
  • make is needed if you want to use the Makefile shims
  • You'll need some kind of compiler for your target system.
    • This repository has been tested with:
      • gcc
      • arm-none-eabi-gcc
      • Apple clang
      • Mainline clang

Note that if you are cross-compiling for ARM using the arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain, you will need to use version 9.0 or later. If you cannot get this version for your platform due to package availability, you can build the most recent compiler version using the arm-gcc-bleeding-edge project.


This project stores some files using git-lfs.

To install git-lfs on Linux:

sudo apt install git-lfs

To install git-lfs on OS X:

brew install git-lfs

Additional installation instructions can be found on the git-lfs website.

Meson Build System

The [Meson][meson] build system depends on python3 and ninja-build.

To install on Linux:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip ninja-build

To install on OSX:

brew install python3 ninja

Meson can be installed through pip3:

pip3 install meson

If you want to install Meson globally on Linux, use:

sudo -H pip3 install meson

Getting the Source

This project uses git-lfs, so please install it before cloning. If you cloned prior to installing git-lfs, simply run git lfs pull after installation.

This project is hosted on GitHub. You can clone the project directly using this command:

git clone --recursive [email protected]:embeddedartistry/libcpp.git

If you don't clone recursively, be sure to run the following command in the repository or your build will fail:

git submodule update --init


The library can be built by issuing the following command:


This will build all targets for the host system using the default options (specified in meson_options.txt). Build output will be placed in the buildresults folder.

You can clean builds using:

make clean

You can eliminate the generated buildresults folder using:

make purify

You can also use the meson method for compiling.

You can choose your own build output folder with meson, but you must build using ninja within the build output folder.

$ meson my_build_output/
$ cd my_build_output/
$ ninja

At this point, make would still work.


You can enable cross-compilation using the --cross-file argument when creating a new repository. This example uses arm-none-eabi-c++ to compile libcxx and libcxxabi with the Embedded Artistry libc.

meson buildresults --cross-file build/cross/gcc/arm/gcc_arm_cortex-m4.txt -Denable-threading=false -Duse-external-stdlibs=true

You can enable threading support with an RTOS using an __external_threading header. Supply the include path to your RTOS headers:

meson buildresults --cross-file build/cross/gcc/arm/gcc_arm_cortex-m4.txt -Dlibcxx-thread-library=threadx -Duse-external-stdlibs=true -Dos-header-path=../../os/threadx/include

Note that if you are cross-compiling for ARM using the arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain, you will need to use version 9.0 or later. If you cannot get this version for your platform due to package availability, you can build the most recent compiler version using the arm-gcc-bleeding-edge project.


If you don't use meson for your project, the best method to use this project is to build it separately and copy the headers and library contents into your source tree.

  • Copy the include/ directory contents into your source tree.
  • Library artifacts are stored in the buildresults/ folder
  • Copy the desired library to your project and add the library to your link step.

Example linker flags:

-Lpath/to/libraries -lc++ -lc++abi

You can use libcpp as a subproject inside of another meson project. Include this project with the subproject command:

libcpp = subproject('libcpp')

Then make dependencies available to your project:

libcxx_full_dep = libcpp.get_variable('libcxx_full_dep')
libcxx_full_native_dep = libcpp.get_variable('libcxx_full_native_dep')
libcxx_headeronly_dep = libcpp.get_variable('libcxx_headeronly_dep')
libcxx_header_include_dep = libcpp.get_variable('libcxx_header_include_dep')
libcxx_extensions_include_dir = libcpp.get_variable('libcxx_extensions_include_dir')

libcxxabi_dep = libcpp.get_variable('libcxxabi_dep')
libcxxabi_native_dep = libcpp.get_variable('libcxxabi_native_dep')

You can use these dependencies elsewhere in your project:

fwdemo_sim_platform_dep = declare_dependency(
    include_directories: fwdemo_sim_platform_inc,
    dependencies: [
        libcxxabi_native_dep, # <--- here
        libcxx_full_native_dep, # <---- here
    sources: files('boot.cpp', 'platform.cpp'),

Configuration Options

Well, let's be honest: there are way too many options for this project (see meson_options.txt). But we support a variety of project-specific options as well as the majority of the useful options provided by the libc++ and libc++abi Cmake projects.

Here are the configurable options:

  • enable-werror: Cause the build to fail if warnings are present
  • enable-pedantic-error: Turn on pedantic warnings and errors
  • force-32-bit: forces 32-bit compilation instead of 64-bit
  • use-external-stdlibs: If true, the build will set flags to prevent usage of the compiler libc so the Embedded Artistry libc can supply the headers
  • external-stdlib-path: The relative path to the root directory of the Embedded Artistry libc source tree
  • os-header-path: Path to the headers for your OS, if using a custom threading solutions
  • disable-rtti: Build without RTTI support (excludes some C++ features such as name demangling)
  • disable-exceptions: Build without exception support
  • use-compiler-rt: Build with compiler-rt support
  • always-enable-assert: Enable assert even with release builds
  • use-llvm-libunwind: Tell libc++abi to use the llvm libunwinder (don't change unless you know what you're doing)
  • libcxx-enable-chrono: Builds with chrono.cpp
  • enable-threading: Build with threading support
  • libcxx-thread-library: Select the threading library to use with libc++: none, pthread, or the framework thread shims
  • libcxx-has-external-thread-api: Tell C++ to look for an __external_threading header with thread function shims
  • libcxx-build-external-thread-api: ???
  • libcxx-enable-filesystem: enable filesystem support
  • libcxx-enable-stdinout: enable stdio support
  • libcxx-default-newdelete: Enable support for the default new/delete implementations
  • libcxx-silent-terminate: Enable silent termination. The default terminate handler attempts to demangle uncaught exceptions, which causes extra I/O and demangling code to be pulled in.
  • libcxx-monotonic-clock: Enable/disable support for the monotonic clock (can only be disabled if threading is disabled)

Options can be specified using -D and the option name:

meson buildresults -Denable-werror=true

The same style works with meson configure:

cd buildresults
meson configure -Denable-werror=true

Blocking new/delete

You can block the new and delete operators by setting the libcxx-default-newdelete to false:

meson buildresults -Dlibcxx-default-newdelete=false

You can also use meson configure:

cd buildresults
meson configure -Dlibcxx-default-newdelete=false

If you are using libcpp as a subproject, you can specify this setting in the containing project options.


This project itself is unversioned and simply pulls in the latest libc++ and libc++abi commits periodically.

How to Get Help

Provide any instructions or contact information for users who need to get further help with your project.


Provide details about how people can contribute to your project. If you have a contributing guide, mention it here. e.g.:

We encourage public contributions! Please review for details on our code of conduct and development process.

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This container project is licensed under the MIT license.

libc++ and libc++abi (and the llvm project in general) are released under a modified Apache 2.0 license. Source files which have been modified are licensed under those terms.


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Embedded Systems C++ Library Support (Currently wraps libcxx)



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  • C++ 92.4%
  • Meson 6.3%
  • Other 1.3%