Final project for Movile Devices Syllabus.
- An user information you can modify (username, gender, profile image, etc)
- Inside user information, 2 rank lists of favorites anime and characters each
- Discover Trending and popular animes and even you can search for any anime you want
- Find most popular animes each season each year so you can be updated of best anime at any moment
- You can add to rank any anime you want at any time, and then reorganize the rank list however you want
- Discover Screen: A screen with some recomendations and a top bar for make searchs of items. This will be the default main screen.
- Seasonal Screen: A screen that shows you the Animes that are currently on emision. Also can show ealder seasons and incoming ones.
- My Ranks Screen: Here the user can check and edit their ranks. They can swap to show their anime or character ranks.
- Profile Screen: User Profile screen view. Details of the user with a preview of their ranks (top 5).
- Character Display: Brief display of a character data.
- Anime Display: Brief display of an anime data.
- Edit profile: A screen that pops up when you want to add/edit data to your profile.
Each screen has a top bar with navigation items or filters for the data shown. There will also be a botom bar for navigation through screens in the main screens.
- The App has a profile preset asset. When the user modifies the profile, it creates a local json file to store localy the user's data on the app data folder.
- All the data displayed (with the exception of the profile data) is dinamically loaded from the API AniList (this can lead to some problems if the API changes or so).
- Francisco Ferrerós - kikofp02
- Jan Neto Llorens - JanNetoLlorens
- Lluís González - punto16