is a set of open-source, community-driven tools designed for scientific communication, including a powerful authoring framework that supports blogs, online books, scientific papers, reports and journals articles.
Note The
project is in beta. It is being used to explore a full MyST implementation in JavaScript and will change significantly and rapidly. The project is being developed by a small team of people on the Executable Books Project, and may make rapid decisions without fully public/inclusive discussion. We will continue to update this documentation as the project stabilizes.
The mystjs
project provides a Javascript parser (mystjs
) and command line tool (myst-cli
) for working with MyST Markdown projects.
- Parse MyST into a standardized AST, that follows the MyST Spec
- Provides functionality for cross-referencing, external structured links, and scientific citations
- Translate and render MyST into:
- HTML for static websites, and modern React for interactive websites (like this website!)
- PDFs and LaTeX documents, with specific templates for over 400 journals
- Microsoft Word export
See the docs.
The MyST CLI is available through Node and NPM:
npm install -g myst-cli
myst init
myst build --tex
All packages for mystjs
are included in this repository (a monorepo!).
uses npm as a package manager. It includes the following packages/apps:
utility functions to deal with citationsintersphinx
a command line tool and package for reading and writing ojtex
a templating library (see docs)mystjs
a MyST parser, with extensibilitymyst-cli
this will provide CLI functionality formyst build
some shared utils between intersphinx, jtex, and myst-climyst-common
Some common utilities for working with ASTsmyst-config
Validation and reading of configuration filesmyst-frontmater
definitions and validation for scientific authorship/affiliation frontmatter (see docs)myst-spec-ext
Extensions tomyst-spec
used throughout this repository, before pushing upstreammyst-templates
types and validation for templates (latex, web and word)myst-to-docx
convert myst documents to word docs!myst-to-react
create basic, ideally unthemed react components for content only (coming soon)myst-to-jats
convert myst to JATS, for use in scientific archivesmyst-to-tex
convert myst to latex, to be used in combination with jtex to create stand alone latex documentsmyst-transforms
a number of transformations for use with myst AST to transform, e.g. links, citations, cross-references, admonitionssimple-validators
validation utilities, that print all sorts of nice warnings
Each package is 100% TypeScript.
uses changesets to document changes to this monorepo, call npm run changeset
and follow the prompts. Later, npm run version
will be called and then npm run publish
is built and developed using:
- TypeScript for static type checking
- ESLint for code linting
- Prettier for code formatting
To build all apps and packages, run the following command:
cd mystjs
npm run build
To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:
cd mystjs
npm run dev
This will create a local myst
CLI interface that you can use to develop and test locally.