DisGo is a Discord API wrapper written in Golang aimed to be consistent, modular, customizable and higher level than other Discord API wrappers.
- Stability
- Features
- Missing Features
- Getting Started
- Documentation
- Examples
- Other interesting Projects to look at
- Other Golang Discord Libraries
- Troubleshooting
- Contributing
- License
The public API of DisGo is mostly stable at this point in time. Smaller breaking changes can happen before the v1 is released.
After v1 is released breaking changes may only happen if the Discord API requires them. They tend to break their released API versions now and then. In general for every new Discord API version the major version of DisGo should be increased and with that breaking changes between non-major versions should be held to a minimum.
- Full Rest API coverage
- Gateway
- Sharding
- HTTP Interactions
- Application Commands
- Message Components
- Modals
- Stage Instance
- Guild Template
- Sticker
- RateLimit
- Webhook
- OAuth2
- Threads
- Guild Scheduled Event
- Voice
$ go get github.com/disgoorg/disgo
Build a bot client to interact with the Discord API
package main
import (
func main() {
client, err := disgo.New("token",
// set gateway options
// set enabled intents
// add event listeners
bot.WithEventListenerFunc(func(e *events.MessageCreate) {
// event code here
if err != nil {
// connect to the gateway
if err = client.OpenGateway(context.TODO()); err != nil {
s := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(s, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
A full Ping Pong example can also be found here
DisGo uses our own small logging interface which you can use with most other logging libraries. This lib also comes with a default logger which is based on the standard log package.
Documentation is wip and can be found under
GitHub Wiki is currently under construction. We appreciate help here.
You can find examples here
There is also a bot template with commands & db here
or in these projects:
- disgomd is a command utility library that uses struct based approach
Is a standalone audio sending node based on Lavaplayer and JDA-Audio. Which allows for sending audio without it ever reaching any of your shards. Lavalink can be used in combination with DisGolink for music Bots
Being used in production by FredBoat, Dyno, LewdBot, and more.
Is a Lavalink-Client which can be used to communicate with Lavalink to play/search tracks
Is a Discord webhook logger hook for logrus
For help feel free to open an issue or reach out on Discord
Contributions are welcomed but for bigger changes we recommend first reaching out via Discord or create an issue to discuss your problems, intentions and ideas.