- São Paulo - SP - Brazil
- http://paulocheque.codeart.io
Add one command to reset the django migrations
The iOS Bar Chart is a great tool to represent data in an elegant and simple way. The default appearance has a beautiful flat design, It has built in animation features for presenting, inserting, d…
The iOS Color Picker is a simple tool to that shows a list of colors and allows the users to select one of them, sending the feedback to your application. The default appearance has a beautiful fla…
The iOS Pie Chart is a great tool to present information in the form of a pie chart. The default appearance hahs a beautiful flat design, the control has built in animation features for presenting,…
The iOS Circular Progress Bar is a great tool to present percentage based information in an elegant and simple way. The default appearance conforms to the beautiful flat design and the center space…
Nano is digital currency. Its ticker is: XNO and its currency symbol is: Ӿ
Core Lightning — Lightning Network implementation focusing on spec compliance and performance
A minimum and lightweight responsive grid CSS library.
A deep neural network chess program that I probably will not understand
The Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
Push messages to browsers in real-time ⚡️
Custom ZipFileField for Django that auto compact file uploaded
A library for data persistence on iOS that uses SQLite (with FMDB)
A jQuery plugin for easy consumption of RESTful APIs
A Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB
Meta Choice with simple flow and rules
Flask-based web front-end for monitoring RQ queues
Use Vagrant to manage your EC2 and VPC instances.
A simple Python Tornado handler that manage Rest requests automatically