eShopping Application implemented with Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Data and Spring Session
Make sure docker is up and running on your local machine
Download the repo and execute the following commands in the same order
Build the project
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests
Build eShopping docker image
$ docker build -t eshopping .
Create docker network
$ docker network rm eshopping_network $ docker network create eshopping_network
Run MySql instance in the same docker network. This will help to resolve database hostname using the docker container name. Make sure to change the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD placeholder
$ docker stop db && docker rm db $ docker run --name db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<db_password> -e MYSQL_DATABASE="eshopping" --network=eshopping_network -p 3306:3306 -d mariadb
Run eShopping application in the same docker network.
$ docker stop eshopping && docker rm eshopping $ docker run -e DB_USERNAME=root -e DB_PASSWORD=<db_password> -e DB_URL='jdbc:mysql://db:3306/eshopping?serverTimezone=UTC' -e ACTIVE_PROFILE=dev --network=eshopping_network -p 8082:8082 eshopping
Load data into MySql database by following steps from here
That's it you should be able to access the application using the link http://localhost:8082/api/v1/category/list and use credentials admin/admin as password
- Create database named eshopping on Mysql or MariaDb
- Import the project on IntelliJ and Run it. It will create all the tables required
- Execute steps 3,4 and 5 in the same order. Go to User_Data_SqlCommands.txt and copy all the commands and execute them in to Mysql Workbench or MySql shell
- Go to Insert_Country_State_City_TaxRate_Data.txt and copy all the commands and execute them in to Mysql Workbench or MySql shell
- Go to Insert_Category_Manufacturer_Product_Data_SqlCommands.txt and copy all the commands and execute them in to Mysql Workbench or MySql shell
- Go to http://localhost:8082/api/v1/manufacturer/list and enter admin/admin(username and password) to see list of manufacturers
- If the login credentils does not work in step 6, go to BCrypt online tool and enter your admin password and select rounds as 12 and copy generated encrypted password.
- Go to Mysql workbench and update admin user password with the following SQL statement. Replace with the password created in step 7
UPDATE `eshopping`.`user` SET `password`=<encrypted password> WHERE `username`='admin';
- For better experience go to my Angular9 project eShopping-UI and run it see nice UI
- Java 11
- Spring Boot and listed Spring modules
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Spring AOP
- Spring Session
- Spring Cache
- MySQL database