List of components:
- OptionList - option control rendered as radio list
- MultiOptionList - multiple option control rendered as checkbox list
- DatePicker - date picker, represented by DateTime object
- DateTimePicker - date & time picker, represented by DateTime object
- Tyheahead - the best autocomplete for your forms
- BS3InputMacros - input macros for Bootstrap 3 (adds some css classes)
The best way to install is using Composer:
$ composer require nextras/forms
For Date(Time)Picker we recommend use DateTime Picker for Bootstrap. See JS init script.
Initialization in your bootstrap.php
use Nette\Forms\Container;
use Nextras\Forms\Controls;
Container::extensionMethod('addOptionList', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
return $container[$name] = new Controls\OptionList($label, $items);
Container::extensionMethod('addMultiOptionList', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, array $items = NULL) {
return $container[$name] = new Controls\MultiOptionList($label, $items);
Container::extensionMethod('addDatePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
return $container[$name] = new Controls\DatePicker($label);
Container::extensionMethod('addDateTimePicker', function (Container $container, $name, $label = NULL) {
return $container[$name] = new Controls\DateTimePicker($label);
Container::extensionMethod('addTypeahead', function(Container $container, $name, $label = NULL, $callback = NULL) {
return $container[$name] = new Controls\Typeahead($label, $callback);
Register your Bootstrap 3 macros in config.neon
- Nextras\Forms\Bridges\Latte\Macros\BS3InputMacros
Render IListControls as you wish:
$form->addMultiOptionList('list1', 'Pick your interests', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
->addRule($form::FILLED, 'You must pick some interest.');
$form->addMultiOptionList('list2', 'Pick your interests', ['d', 'e', 'f'])
->addRule($form::LENGTH, 'You must pick just 1 or 2 interests.', array(1, 2));
{form example}
<th>{label list1 /}</th>
<td>{input list1}</td>
<th>{label list2 /}</th>
{foreach $form['list2']->items as $key => $label}
{label list2:$key}
{input list2:$key}