This repo contains resources and scripts to enable translations of
Check to see if your language already has a translation effort in progress.
To start a new translation project, submit a PR adding a new file {lang-code}.json
to the langs
folder with the following information:
- Language name
- Language code
- List of maintainers
For example:
"name": "English",
"code": "en",
"maintainers": ["gaearon", "tesseralis"]
In the PR comment, please describe your experiences with translation (e.g. links to previous work). We would prefer more than one maintainer on each repo.
Once the PR is accepted, the bot will:
- Create a new repository for you at
- Add/invite all maintainers listed to a " {language} Translation" team in the reactjs organization
- Create an issue from this template in the new repository to track your translation progress
After that, you may want to pin the generated issue to make it easier to find.
Happy translating!
As with maintaining any repository, be prompt with reviewing pull requests / responding to volunteers.
Create a glossary of the translations of technical and React-specific terms. Put this in a highly visible location (the README or a pinned issue). For examples of glossaries, see:
- Simplified Chinese: reactjs/
- Japanese:
- Spanish:
Also, create a style guide to define additional rules to follow in translation. See the universal style guide for rules that should apply to all translations.
Remember to review the issues generated by reactjs-translation-bot. The bot will create issues and PRs for recent changes to the master repository. It's important to review these to make sure our translations stay up to date with the current documentation.
If you have a question that isn't addressed here, go to the global ReactJS localization team and ask your fellow translators for help! (NOTE: The link is only available to repo maintainers).
- Review your translations and make sure that the pages listed in "minimum viable translation" are fully translated. Run the site yourself locally to make sure there are no bugs or snags.
- ask {TBD} to add {lang-code} as a subdomain
- submit a PR to reactjs/ adding the language in the dropdown
- celebrate!
This repo, and the bot that makes all this possible, is based off of and iterated upon che-tsumi by the Vue.js Japan User Group.