You can contribute by adding new scripts, improving current scripts or Documentation.Here are some Instructions before making a Pull Request
- Create an issue for making any change to code. when issue will be approve you can make a change.
- Pull latest change from upstream branch before starting the changing code.
- Add your file in proper folder(lowercase) with in it. Add requirements.txt if needed.
- Use Jupyter for making a notebook and add related visualizations if necessary
- Actors-age-detection(Conv2d net)
- Cactus-Identification (Efficient net)
- Credit-card-fraud-Detection(Autoencoders)
- MNIST-sign-language-detection(Vanilla Conv1d net)
- Retinal-Image-classification(Data augmentation + vgg16)
- Signature-verification (Siamese net)
- Stock-price-predictor (LSTM)
- Torn-Shirt-classification (vgg16)