discord-js-music-bot Public
Music bot created using discord js and the discord-player library
nextjs-playground Public
Refreshing my mind about NextJS the tech stack is: NextJS, Jasmine, Cypress, Graphql, Postgres all deployed on Vercel.
TypeScript UpdatedApr 22, 2024 -
music_bot Public
Music discord bot with all the functionality you'll ever want
This is probably the worst implementation of minesweeper that I've done because I was bored in 1 hour most of the time being taken up by the npm packages installing XD
TypeScript UpdatedOct 18, 2023 -
Paint Public
Trying out different design patterns for creating a simple paint application
C++ MIT License UpdatedMar 10, 2023 -
reaction_role_bot Public
This is a simple reaction role bot as a proof of conecpt so that you can get started easily writing your own
threeCity Public
A background city made with three js as a bit of fun :)
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 3, 2022 -
portfolio Public
This is my portfolio website showing everything that I have already done, are doing and want to do
image_bot Public
Discord bot that will get images based on the search keyword from google and display a random one to the user
OpenglPlayground Public
This is a playground for learning C++, OpenGL, Cmake, Game Engines, GLSL
C++ UpdatedMay 30, 2021 -
JenkinsTest Public
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 20, 2021 -
GLEngine Public
I am learning opengl and graphics. I thought that it would be a good idea to create a simple framework for creating games using opengl
C++ UpdatedJan 24, 2021 -
SpareTime Public
Small learning and fun projects that I do in the spare time along with some useful design patterns
C++ UpdatedJan 11, 2021 -