The description below assumes that you already have Virtualhost and Vagrant installed. (the first step)
- Edit your /etc/hosts and add a host: jobtip.local
- Install Vagrant BOX for homestead
vagrant box add laravel/homestead
- Copy Homestead.yaml.example to Homestead.yaml and edit it. Change map folders and sites. I have all projects in 'work' directory, but you can map only jobtip.
- Configure your environment: copy .env.example to .env and edit it
- Start vagrant with 'vagrant up'
- SSH to the virtual machine: 'vagrant ssh'
- install all needed components: 'composer install'
- create CACHE directories: storage/framework/cache, storage/framework/session, storage/framework/views
- php artisan key:generate
- create tables in database with: php artisan migrate
- fill the database with seeders: php artisan db:seed
- Your project is ready http://jobtip.local (check it in your browser)