This is an application that consumes Newyork times API. This application is built using Kotlin and MVVM architecture
- Clone this repository
- Get an api key from Key
- Include the api key in the
file and replace the ******* with the key
- Users can view the top stories from categories like headline, fashion and food from the Newyork times
- Users can share the personalized message with their contacts name on their phone.
- Offline reading.
The application can be accessed using this link
This application was written following the MVVM (Model-view-viewModel) architechure. The main reason behind this choice is because it enables us take advantage of the Google architechure components/ Android Jetpack components like the viewModel, Room, livedata, Navigation Component and Databinding which was all evident in this application. I also made use of other libraries to ensure a seemless flow. They are listed below.
The application follows best practices such as the repository pattern for abstracting classes and Dagger 2 For Dependency Injection.
- Use Retrofit for networking
- Use RxJava observing data changes and making asynchronous calls.
- Use Picasso for image loading
- Use Room for storing data
- Use Content Provider to allow the user view the contacts on a phone to allow them share a message
- Use Databinding
- Use Dagger 2
- Language used - Kotlin (being the official language of Google)
- For unit test
./gradlew test
- For ui test
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest