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kdevjanr edited this page Aug 1, 2023 · 3 revisions

About this document

This document describes how to integrate the PHP SDK into your solution.

Integrations steps

Install PHP SDK Package

Install the PHP SDK Package of your solution with composer or download it from the GitHub repository and then run the composer update command in terminal to install all the dependencies.

Merchant configuration

As a merchant you need to send to the gateway some properties. These properties must be put into an array and set with the following method. If you want integration with Apple Pay all the properties that contains "Apple_" must be added, otherwise those properties are not required.


return [
    'merchant_identifier'       => '**********',
 'access_code'               => '**********',
'SHARequestPhrase'          => '**********',
 'SHAResponsePhrase'         => '**********',
'SHAType'                   => '**********',
 'sandbox_mode'              => true,

 'Apple_AccessCode'          => '**********',
 'Apple_SHARequestPhrase'    => '**********',
 'Apple_SHAResponsePhrase'   => '**********',
'Apple_SHAType'             => '**********',
'Apple_DisplayName'         => 'Test Apple store',
 'Apple_DomainName'          => '',
'Apple_SupportedNetworks'   => ["visa", "masterCard", "amex", "mada"],
'Apple_SupportedCountries'  => [],
 'Apple_CertificatePath'     => '**path**to**certificate**',
 'Apple_CertificateKeyPath'  => '**path**to**certificate**key**',
 'Apple_CertificateKeyPass'  => 'apple*certificate*password',

 // folder must be created before
'log_path'                  => __DIR__ . '/tmp/aps.log',
'3ds_modal'                 => true,
'debug_mode'                => false,
'locale'                    => 'en',

All the merchant configuration properties

// load merchant configuration
$merchantParams = include 'merchant_config.php';

// set merchant configuration one time

Payment data configuration

As a merchant you need to send to the gateway the payment details. These details must be put into an array and set within the "setPaymentData" method below. The "merchant_reference" is the customer order number.


return  [
    'merchant_reference'=> 'O-00001-'.rand(1000, 99999),
    'amount'            => 3197.00,
    'currency'          => 'AED',
    'language'          => 'en',
    'customer_email'    => '[email protected]',

    'order_description' => 'Test product 1',

You can see below how the credit card redirect payment method issued. Payment data is set with the payment details, then set the authorization/purchase command, set your callback URL and render the information needed for your client page.

    try {
        echo (new CCRedirect())
                    ‘button_text’   => ‘Place order with Authorization’
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo ‘SETUP ERROR: ‘ . $e->getMessage();
    try {
        echo (new CCRedirect())
                    ‘button_text’   => ‘Place order with Purchase’
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo ‘SETUP ERROR: ‘ . $e->getMessage();

Payment flow

Below we can see a high-level diagram with the important systems which are involved in the payment flow:


In the above picture the Merchant will use the SDK in the following situation:

  • Get the HTML Forms necessary to initiate one payment integration (Redirect, Standard iframe checkout or Custom checkout)

  • Make an API call to APS through the APS SDK for completing the payment process (Authorization/Purchase) and maintenance operations (Capture/Void/Refund)

  • Validate the webhook notification and signature sent by the payment gateway

Maintenance Operations

All maintenance operations provided by the PHP SDK can be found on "/maintenance.php" tab.


An operation that allows the Merchant to capture the authorized amount of a payment. For more details, regarding parameters check the following link: Capture Operation.

    try {
        $paymentData = [
            'merchant_reference'    => '1234567890',
            'amount'                => 3197.00,
            'currency'              => AED,
            'language'              => 'en',
        $callResult = (new PaymentCapture())->paymentCapture($paymentData);
        echo $callResult['response_message'];
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();


An operation that returns the entire amount of a transaction, or returns part of it, after a successfully capture operation is done. For more details regarding parameters check the link: Refund Operation.

    try {
        $paymentData = [
            'merchant_reference'    => '1234567890',
            'amount'                => 3197.00,
            'currency'              => AED,
            'language'              => 'en',
        $callResult = (new PaymentRefund())->paymentRefund($paymentData);
        echo $callResult['response_message'];
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();


An operation that allows you to cancel the authorized amount after you have sent a successful authorization request. For more details, Void Operation.

    try {
        $paymentData = [
            'merchant_reference'    => '1234567890',
            'language'              => 'en',

        $callResult = (new PaymentVoidAuthorization())
        echo $callResult['response_message'];
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Check Status

In case you need to verify the status of a transaction in progress you can do it by using the Check Status method. For more details, Check Status Operation.

    try {
        $paymentData = [
            'merchant_reference'    => '1234567890',
            'language'              => 'en',
        $callResult = (new PaymentCheckStatus())
        echo $callResult['response_message'];
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' .$e->getMessage();

Installments Plans

In case you need to see the installments plans you can do it by using the Get Installments Plans method. For more details, Get Installments Plans Operation.

    try {
        $paymentData = [
            'amount'                => 3197.00,
            'currency'              => 'AED',
            'language'              => 'en',
        $callResult = (new InstallmentsPlans())

        echo "<pre>";
        echo "</pre>";
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Integration Channels

The method which returns the form post which needs to be added in the html page, is called "render". This method is found in the "FrontEndAdapter" class, this class is inherited by all the payment options.


The class for Redirect payment option is called "CCRedirect". This class can be used for Authorization or for Purchase command. For example, see the code below.

    try {
        echo (new CCRedirect())
                    'button_text'   => 'Place order with Authorization'
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
    try {
        echo (new CCRedirect())
                    'button_text'   => 'Place order with Purchase'
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Redirect Installments

The class for Redirect Installments payment option is called "InstallmentsCCRedirect". This class can be used for Purchase command. For example, see the code below.

    try {
        echo (new InstallmentsCCRedirect())
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Standard Checkout

The class for Standard Checkout payment option is called "CCStandard". This class can be used for Authorization or for Purchase command. For example, see the code below.

    try {
        echo (new CCStandard())
                    'button_text'   => 'Place order with Authorization'
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
    try {
        echo (new CCStandard())
                    'button_text'   => 'Place order with Purchase'
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Standard Checkout Installments

The class for Standard Installments payment option is called "InstallmentsCCStandard". This class can be used for Purchase command. For example, see the code below.

    try {
        echo (new InstallmentsCCStandard())
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Custom Checkout

The class for Custom Checkout payment option is called "CCCustom". This class can be used for Authorization or for Purchase command. For example, see the code below.

    try {
        echo (new CCCustom())
                    'button_text'   => 'Place order with Authorization'
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
    try {
        echo (new CCCustom())
                    'button_text'   => 'Place order with Purchase'
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Custom Checkout Installments

First step to work with Custom Installments payment option you need to get the installments plans with the "getInstallmentsPlans" method which is defined in "InstallmentsPlans" class. See Maintenance Operation Installments Plans section for more details.

The second step to work with Custom Installments payment option is to handle the installments plans that the customer will select from the interface and get the selected plan code and issuer code to set them in session in order to be used at purchase.

The class for Custom Installments payment option is called "InstallmentsCCCustom". This class can be used for Purchase command. For example,

    try {
        $installmentsPlansList = (new InstallmentsPlans())

        // save the plan code that will be used at authorization
        $_SESSION['plan_code'] = 'selected_plan_code';
        $_SESSION['issuer_code'] = 'selected_issuer_code';

     echo (new InstallmentsCCCustom())
                    'installment_plans_list' => $installmentsPlansList,
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Apple Pay Integration

Apple Pay Button

The class for Apple Pay payment option is called "ApplePayButton". This class can be used for Authorization or for Purchase command. First you need to set extra parameters for payment data, see below.

$paymentData = [
    'merchant_reference'=> '1234567890',
    'amount'            => 1500.00,
    'currency'          => 'AED',
    'language'          => 'en',
    'customer_email'    => '[email protected]',
    'order_description' => 'Test product 1',

// ADDITIONAL Apple Pay required parameters
$paymentData['subtotal'] = 1245.00;
$paymentData['discount'] = 200;
$paymentData['shipping'] = 50;
$paymentData['tax'] = 5;
$paymentData['country'] = 'AE';

Now you can call the Apple Pay class to create the button for payment. For example, see the code below.See merchant configuration for Apple Pay here.

    try {
        echo (new ApplePayButton())
            // apple specific settings
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Apple Pay Validation

After the payment is initialized, you need to validate the session. You can validate the session by setting the validation callback that will trigger your validation handler.

// get the apple url that Safari sends us
$appleUrl = $_POST['url'] ?? '';

// the response must be JSON
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

try {
    echo (new PaymentApplePaySession())->applePayValidateSession($appleUrl);
} catch (APSException $e) {
    echo json_encode([
        'status'    => 'fail',
        'message'   => 'Session validation failed' . $e->getMessage(),

Apple Pay Commands

After validation you now can make an authorization or a purchase command. You can do that by setting the command callback that will trigger your command handler.

header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

try {
    // collect data sent over by Safari
    // and prepare parameters to be sent to APS
    // retrieve and validate response from APS
    $callResult = (new PaymentApplePayAps())

    echo json_encode([
        'status'    => 'success',
        'message'   => $callResult['response_message'] ?? 'no message',
} catch (APSException $e) {

    echo json_encode([
        'status'    => 'fail',
        'message'   => 'APS purchase call failed' . $e->getMessage(),

header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

try {
    // collect data sent over by Safari
    // and prepare parameters to be sent to APS
    // retrieve and validate response from APS
    $callResult = (new PaymentApplePayAps())

    echo json_encode([
        'status'    => 'success',
        'message'   => $callResult['response_message'] ?? 'no message',
} catch (APSException $e) {

    echo json_encode([
        'status'    => 'fail',
        'message'   => 'APS purchase call failed' . $e->getMessage(),

Trusted Channels


MOTO channel enables you to process a range of transactions that do not follow the standard online shopping workflow. For example, your customer may want to pay you offline. By sending an order in the post, by calling you, or indeed in a face-to-face transaction. You can process offline transactions using the MOTO channel.

Note that the MOTO (Mobile Order/ Telephone Order) channel allows you to process MOTO transactions through the Amazon Payment Services API only if you have already established a token for your customer's payment card. You can see how to implement the recurring operation. You need to know the token name of the transaction and to set it to the payment data object. If the token name is not known then the credit card details like card number, expiry date and security code are required to be set to the payment data object.

For more details, Moto Operation.

    try {
        $paymentData = [
            'merchant_reference'=> '1234567890',
            'amount'            => 1500.00,
            'currency'          => 'AED',
            'language'          => 'en',
            'customer_email'    => '[email protected]',
            'order_description' => 'Test product 1',
            'token_name'        => 'token-name',
            'customer_ip'       => ''

        $callResult = (new PaymentMoto())->paymentMoto($paymentData);

        echo $callResult['response_message'];
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();


You can effortlessly configure secure, recurring payments for any defined billing cycle -- whether daily, weekly, monthly, or annual. You do so through a workflow that is not much different from the normal checkout process.

You can see how to implement the recurring operation. You need to know the token name of the transaction and to set it to the payment data object. If the token name is not known then the credit card details like card number, expiry date and security code are required to be set to the payment data object.

For more details, Recurring Operation.

    try {
        $paymentData = [
            'merchant_reference'=> '1234567890',
            'amount'            => 1500.00,
            'currency'          => 'AED',
            'language'          => 'en',
            'customer_email'    => '[email protected]',
            'order_description' => 'Test product 1',
            'token_name'        => 'token-name',
     $callResult = (new PaymentRecurring())->paymentRecurring($paymentData);

     echo $callResult['response_message'];
    } catch (APSException $e) {
        echo 'SETUP ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();


If you are a PCI-certified merchant, you can collect your customers' credit card details on your checkout page and store the sensitive payment card data on your server. Read more about PCI compliance here.

PCI-compliant merchants can use the Amazon Payment Services trusted channel to submit payment card details so that Amazon Payment Services can execute transactions using the payment card details or token name. In the payment data object, you need to specify the "eci" property with the one of the following options: MOTO, RECURRING or ECOMMERCE.

try {
    $paymentData = [
        'merchant_reference'=> '1234567890',
        'amount'            => 1500.00,
        'currency'          => 'AED',
        'language'          => 'en',
        'customer_email'    => '[email protected]',
        'eci'               => 'ECOMMERCE',
        'customer_ip'       => '',
        'card_number'       => '1234567890123456',
        'expiry_date'       => '1234',
        'card_security_code'=> '123',
        'token_name'        => 'token-name',
    $callResult = (new PaymentTrusted())->paymentTrusted($paymentData);
    if (is_string($callResult)) {
        // and it requests 3ds validation,
        // which is not accessible to the client
        echo $callResult;
    } else {
        echo "<pre>";
        echo "</pre>";
}catch (APSException $e) {
    echo 'CALL DATA ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();

Response Handler

To handle the response for payment methods we have implemented the "ResponseHandler" class which takes the initial payment data.

This class also has the following methods for a proper response handling:

  • validate

  • process

  • onSuccess (has a callback to handle the success case)

  • onError (has a callback to handle the error case)

  • onHtml

  • handleResponse

  • getResult

        ->onSuccess(function(APSResponse $responseHandlerResult) {...})
        ->onError(function(APSResponse $responseHandlerResult) {...})
            string $htmlContent, 
            APSResponse $responseHandlerResult
        ) {...})
} catch (APSException $e) {
    include '_header.php';
    echo 'APS RESPONSE ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
    include '_footer.php';

3DS Modal

The PHP SDK provides you with the code for handling the 3ds secure part. After calling Authorization or Purchase command, you get the response from the gateway. In the response, you can get the 3DS Secure URL which needs to be used with the modal provided by the SDK by calling the method "render" found in "Secure3dsModal" class. In this case the method needs a parameter called "3ds_url" that will be set with the obtained URL.

return (new Secure3dsModal())->render([
    '3ds_url'   => '3-ds-url-from-response',

Implicitly Standard, Custom, Installments Standard and Installments Custom payment methods has 3ds. In the redirect page, we need to handle it with a redirect to your success and fail page.

In "onHtml" callback function we need to handle the Standard and Installments Standard payment methods because they use an iframe for credit card details, so after that we redirect them to the 3ds url.

try {
    (new ResponseHandler($paymentData))
        ->onSuccess(function(APSResponse $responseHandlerResult) {
            // the payment transaction was a success
            // do your thing and process the response

            // redirect user to the success page
            $redirectParams = $responseHandlerResult->getRedirectParams();
                'Location: order_success.php?' . $redirectParams
        ->onError(function(APSResponse $responseHandlerResult) {...})
		string $htmlContent, 
		APSResponse $responseHandlerResult
	) {
            if ($responseHandlerResult->isStandardImplementation()) {
                header('Location: ' . $responseHandlerResult->get3dsUrl());
            } else {
                echo $htmlContent;
} catch (APSException $e) {
    include '_header.php';
    echo 'APS RESPONSE ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
    include '_footer.php';
try {
    (new ResponseHandler($paymentData))
        ->onSuccess(function(APSResponse $responseHandlerResult) {...})
        ->onError(function(APSResponse $responseHandlerResult) {
            // the payment failed
            // process the response

            // redirect user to the error page
            $redirectParams = $responseHandlerResult->getRedirectParams();
                'Location: order_failed.php?' . $redirectParams
            string $htmlContent, 
            APSResponse $responseHandlerResult
        ) {
            if ($responseHandlerResult->isStandardImplementation()) {
                header('Location: ' . $responseHandlerResult->get3dsUrl());
            } else {
                echo $htmlContent;
} catch (APSException $e) {
    include '_header.php';
    echo 'APS RESPONSE ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
    include '_footer.php';


To handle the request received from the payment gateway you have a method called "getWebhookData" which you can find in "WebhookAdapter" class. This method validates the payment data response and returns it.

try {
    $webhookParameters = WebhookAdapter::getWebhookData();
    // your code here

} catch (APSException $e) {
        'Webhook parameters failed to validate! (' . $e->getMessage() . ')' 

Error codes

Error code Description
1001 APS server to server call failed
1002 APS server to server call response signature failed
1003 APS parameter missing
1004 APS payment adapter missing
1005 APS template file missing
1006 APS callback missing
1007 APS token name missing
1008 APS response signature missing
1009 APS payment method not available
1010 APS invalid type
1011 APS invalid parameter
2001 Apple Pay url missing
2002 Apple Pay url invalid
2003 Apple Pay validation callback url missing
2004 Apple Pay command callback url missing
3001 Response no signature found
4001 Merchant config missing
4002 Merchant config merchant id missing
4003 Merchant config access code missing
4004 Merchant config sha request phrase missing
4005 Merchant config sha response phrase missing
4006 Merchant config sha type missing
5001 Payment data config missing
5002 Payment data merchant reference missing
5003 Payment data amount missing
5004 Payment data currency code missing
5005 Payment data language missing
5006 Payment data customer email missing
5007 Payment data country code missing
5008 Payment data subtotal missing
5009 Payment data shipping missing
5010 Payment data discount missing
5011 Payment data tax missing
6001 Merchant config apple merchant id missing
6002 Merchant config apple access code missing
6003 Merchant config apple supported networks missing
6004 Merchant config apple supported countries missing
6005 Merchant config apple sha request phrase missing
6006 Merchant config apple sha response phrase missing
6007 Merchant config apple sha type missing
6008 Merchant config apple display name missing
6009 Merchant config apple domain name missing
6010 Merchant config apple certificate path missing
6011 Merchant config apple certificate key path missing
6012 Merchant config apple certificate key pass missing
6013 Merchant config sandbox not specified
7001 Webhook parameters empty
7002 Webhook json invalid
7003 Webhook signature invalid