University of Pennsylvania
- https://philburnham.dev/
- @philip_burnham
Creating figures and animations for multi-channel images with a focus on microscopy.
Scripts to generate True Muonium MC simulation events with condor
Repository for analysis using displaced tau leptons in CMS --> Now mirrored from CERN's GitLab instance
Code accompanying "Prospective identification of hematopoietic lineage choice by deep learning", Nature methods 2017, DOI:10.1038/nmeth.4182
A Snakemake workflow for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data with Kallisto and Sleuth.
starfish: unified pipelines for image-based transcriptomics
ZeroCostDL4Mic: A Google Colab based no-cost toolbox to explore Deep-Learning in Microscopy
Density-preserving data visualization tools den-SNE and densMAP
Cell tracker designed for tracking intestinal organoids
iDM analysis code (plotting and cutflows)
iDM analysis code (skimming and trigger/reco efficiency)
a generalist algorithm for cellular segmentation with human-in-the-loop capabilities
scRNA-seq analysis beyond gene annotations using transcriptionally active regions (TARs) generated from sequence alignment data
R package and vignette to denoise metagenomic cell-free DNA sequencing data.