Starred repositories
Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared …
CAF Terraform landing zone - platform configuration starter kit
Terraform Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provider
Prometheus community Helm charts
The Terraform OKE Module Installer for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a Terraform module that provisions the necessary resources for Oracle Container Engine.
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
oracle / kubernetes
Forked from kubernetes/kubernetesProduction-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
How to create shared block volume in OCI with Terraform
Jitsi Meet deployed in OCI automatically with Terraform
This project shows how to replicate tagging of OCI Block Volume/OCI Boot Volume into tagging of manual backups with the usage of OCI Event Services integrated with OCI Functions
A deployable solution for web application on highly available infrastructure in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
This project shows how to create Microservice based on OCI Functions and OCI API Gateway exposing customer table created in OCI ATP database.
ATP Private Endpoint
Ansible Database Migration Tool utility has been developed with an objective to provide a quick and easy way to move Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic (OCI-C) databases to Oracle Cloud Infrastruc…
Jenkins deployed in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure with Terraform
How to autoscale your webservers in OCI
Database migration options from on-premises to Oracle Cloud
Hands-on experience with Terrafrom for the purpose of OCI Flex Compute Shapes deployment (new OCI feature released and now supported by OCI Terraform Provider v3.94.0).
How to deploy OCI Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP)