ISpark is an Apache Spark-shell backend for IPython.
ISpark is ported from IScala, all credit goes to Mateusz Paprocki
ISpark is a standard Spark Application that when submitted, its driver will maintain a three-way connection between IPython UI server and Spark cluster.
Click me for a quick impression.
This environment is deployed on a Spark cluster with 4+ cores. It comes with no uptime guarantee and may not be accessible during maintenance.
ISpark only supports Native (Spark-shell) environment, support for Mahout DRM will be added upon request.
ISpark needs to be compiled and packaged into an uber jar by Maven before being submitted and deployed:
Building jar: ${PROJECT_DIR}/core/target/ispark-core-${PROJECT_VERSION}.jar
after which you can define a Spark
profile for IPython by running:
$ ipython profile create spark
Then adding the following line into ~/.ipython/profile_spark/
import os
c = get_config()
SPARK_HOME = os.environ['SPARK_HOME']
# the above line can be replaced with: SPARK_HOME = '${INSERT_INSTALLATION_DIR_OF_SPARK}'
c.KernelManager.kernel_cmd = [SPARK_HOME+"/bin/spark-submit",
"--master", MASTER,
"--class", "org.tribbloid.ispark.Main",
"--executor-memory", "2G",
#(only enable this line if you have extra jars) "--jars", "${FULL_PATHS_OF_EXTRA_JARS}",
"--profile", "{connection_file}",
c.NotebookApp.ip = '*' # only add this line if you want IPython-notebook being open to the public
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False # only add this line if you want to suppress opening a browser after IPython-notebook initialization
c.NotebookApp.port = 8888
Congratulation! Now you can initialize ISpark CLI or ISpark-notebook by running:
ipython console --profile spark
OR ipython notebook --profile spark
(Support for the data collection/enrichment engine SpookyStuff has been moved to an independent project:
In [1]: sc
Out[1]: org.apache.spark.SparkContext@2cd972df
In [2]: sc.parallelize(1 to 10).map(v => v*v).collect.foreach(println(_))
ISpark supports magic commands similarly to IPython, but the set of magics is
different to match the specifics of Scala and JVM. Magic commands consist of
percent sign %
followed by an identifier and optional input to a magic. Magic
command's syntax may resemble valid Scala, but every magic implements its own
domain specific parser.
To infer the type of an expression use %type expr
. This doesn't require
evaluation of expr
, only compilation up to typer phase. You can also
get compiler's internal type trees with %type -v
or %type --verbose
In [1]: %type 1
In [2]: %type -v 1
TypeRef(TypeSymbol(final abstract class Int extends AnyVal))
In [3]: val x = "" + 1
Out[3]: 1
In [4]: %type x
In [5]: %type List(1, 2, 3)
In [6]: %type List("x" -> 1, "y" -> 2, "z" -> 3)
List[(String, Int)]
In [7]: %type List("x" -> 1, "y" -> 2, "z" -> 3.0)
List[(String, AnyVal)]
In [8]: %type sc
Support for sbt-based library/dependency management has been removed due to its incompatibility with spark deployment requirement. if sbt is allowed to download new dependencies, using them in any distributed closure may compile but will throw ClassDefNotFoundErrors in runtime because they won't be submitted to Spark master. Users are encouraged to attach their jars using the "--jars" parameter of spark-submit.
Copyright © 2014 by Mateusz Paprocki, Peng Cheng and contributors.
Published under ASF License, see LICENSE.