##Distributed Publish Subscribe service
DiPS allows you to publish and subscribe to events across systems, the DiPS service is fully compatible with .Net framework 4.5 and Mono Framework 4.5, that means that you can run the service in windows, linux and mac.
##DiPS Client The Client is available for Net framework 4.5 and Mono Framework 4.5, the Client is available as a nuget package that you can install:
install-package dipsclient
A javascript library is also available as a nuget package
install-package dipsclient.javascript
The .Net and Javascript client source code is available in this repository
A ruby gem is also available
gem install dipsclient
The ruby gem source code is available here: https://github.com/pedro-ramirez-suarez/DiPSRubyClient
##Connecting to DiPS Examples of how to use the .net client, the ruby client and the javascript client here: https://github.com/pedro-ramirez-suarez/DiPSClientSample