ELK + Prometheus + Grafana communication POC
This is POC to understand better how this applications communicate with each other:
- Grafana
- Prometheus
- Spring Boot
- Actuator
- Sleuth
- Logback
- Elasticsearch
- Logstash
- Kibana
- Zipkin
- Graylog
First of all, increase linux virtual allowed space
$ sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Service | Address |
Demo | localhost:8080 |
Elasticsearch | localhost:9200 |
Grafana | localhost:3000 |
Graylog | localhost:9000 |
Kibana | localhost:5601 |
Logstash | localhost:9600 |
MongoDB | localhost:27017 |
Prometheus | localhost:9090 |
Zipkin | localhost:9411 |
- Open file prometheus.yml, on the last line change the spring-actuator target IP to your local IP (this will be fixed soon :) )
- Start the Spring Boot demo app with
cd demo && ./gradlew bootRun
- Start docker-compose with
docker-compose -d up
)- Be patient, wait at least 5 minutes so all the services have plenty of time to comunicate with each other and setup the initial configuration. Grab a cup of coffee or tea or water or something more powerful :)
docker ps
should list 8 services up
- Check if prometheus target 'spring-actuator' is up
- Open Graylog with user admin, password admin
- Go to System -> Inputs
- Select input "GELF UDP" and Launch, fill it with:
- Check the ckeckbox Global
- Title: UDP
- Bind address:
- Port: 12201
- Save
- Again select input "GELF UDP" and Launch, fill it with:
- DONT check the ckeckbox Global
- Title: ELK Stack UDP
- Bind address:
- Port: 12202
- Save
- Call the Spring Boot demo app at least once to generate a log
curl http://localhost:8080/info
- Create the index micro-* in Kibana with timefield @timestamp
- Open Grafana dashboard with user admin, password secret
- Go to Configuration->Datasources, "Add data source", choose ElasticSearch and input:
- URL: http://elasticsearch:9200
- Index name: micro-*
- Time field name: @timestamp
- Click "Save & Test"
- Again go to Configuration->Datasources, "Add data source", choose Prometheus and input:
- URL: http://prometheus:9090
- Click "Save & Test"
- Import the Grafana dashboard file grafana-dash.json
- Keep hitting
to check logs in Kibana/Graylog and numbers in Grafana. Also checkout Zipkin for the tracing.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!