fuels-ts is a library for interacting with Fuel v2.
- Deploy and call contracts
- Generate contract types with TypeChain
- Build and send transactions
- Encode/decode contract ABI
- Transfer coins
- Inspect contract storage
- Manage wallets
- Run scripts
- Query and subscribe to events
yarn add fuels
# or
npm add fuels
// typescript file
import { Provider, Contract } from "fuels";
import abi from "./abi.json";
const provider = new Provider("");
const contractId = "0x...";
const contract = new Contract(contractId, abi, provider);
const result = await contract.functions.foo("bar");
// typescript file
import { Provider, Contract } from "fuels";
import bytecode from "./bytecode.bin";
const provider = new Provider("");
const { contractId } = await provider.submitContract(bytecode);
For defined Sway types, we offer a Typechain target to generate types from an ABI file.
For Sway types, the mapping is as follows to Typescript types:
Sway type | Typescript type |
u8/64 | number or BigNumber |
b256 | '0x'-prefixed-string or Uint8Array |
str[] | '0x'-prefixed-string or Uint8Array |
struct | Object |
tuple | Array |
# console
yarn add -D typechain typechain-target-fuels
yarn exec typechain --target=fuels --out-dir=types abi.json
// typescript file
import { Provider } from "fuels";
import { MyContract__factory } from "./types";
const provider = new Provider("");
const contractId = "0x...";
const contract = MyContract__factory.connect(contractId, provider);
git clone [email protected]:FuelLabs/fuels-ts.git
cd fuels-ts
pnpm install
pnpm build
In order to run tests locally, you need fuel-core
running as a docker container.
To do that you can run these commands in your terminal:
pnpm services:run
And then run tests in another terminal tab:
# run all tests
pnpm test
# run tests and get coverage
pnpm test:coverage
# run tests for a specific package
pnpm --filter @fuel-ts/contract run test
Or if you want to run docker and all tests serially you can do:
pnpm ci:tests
This will run services:run
, tests
and then services:clean
Some times if you're running your tests locally using
in a separated terminal, maybe you need to runservices:clean
after tests to clean docker containers and volumes. Because this can break your tests sometimes!
If you want to work locally using realtime builds, open in one terminal tab build in watch mode on all packages from the root directory:
$ pnpm build:watch
This command you run tsup --watch
on all packages using Turborepo
If you want to use local links for development purposes, you can execute this command in the root of the directory:
$ pnpm -r exec pnpm link --global --dir ./
This will link all packages inside our monorepo in your global pnpm store, then iside the package you want to use the linked package, just run:
$ pnpm link --global <pkg-name>
The primary license for this repo is Apache 2.0