This should work with standard node.js apps, but as it is a WIP - please do ask any questions on!forum/cloudbees-dev as we flesh it out.
This repo is for people who want to extend/enhance support on CloudBees. Users of node.js apps can simply fire up the node.js clickstart and be happy.
If this is you, read on:
ClickStarts are used by specifying the application type when you deploy an app. You can specify the stack to use either by name, or and -RPLUGIN.SRC.= - this is called a "remote" plugin and is useful for getting the latest version of things.
This stack uses npm to install any required packages, and expects applications to be packaged up as a zip.
(assuming you aren't using the ClickStart here:
Get a sample app (eg sampleapp from this repo) cd sampleapp zip -r ../ *
bees app:deploy -a playground/node -t node -RPLUGIN.SRC.node=STACKURL ../
STACKURL can be found (use the latest) from
You can see this running at
It looks for a main.js by default. You can set a config variable of "main_js" to override this. If a package.json is present, it will install the packages via npm.
For example: update the node.js binary in this repo.
- fork this repo (maybe)
- make publish
This will make a zip of the stack, and push it to a repository via your cloudbees credentials. You then use the resulting URL in the STACKURL above.