- Oracle jdbc driver ojdbc14.jar
- For branch v-0.1: jdk 1.6 + & apache Ant
- For branch v-0.2: jdk 1.8 + & Gradle (shadow fat-jar)
$ git clone https://github.com/peihanw/orauld.git
$ cd orauld/
$ mkdir lib
$ cp /some/where/ojdbc14.jar ./lib/
# for branch v-0.1 (Ant manually build)
$ git checkout v-0.1
$ ant -f ant.xml
# for branch v-0.2 (Gradle build)
$ git checkout v-0.2
$ gradle build
Or just download the latest fat-jar binary directly from the release page.
Usage: -l conn_info -q query_sql -o bcp_fnm [-d delimiter] [-D eor_str] [-c charset] [-w wrk_num] [-s split_lines] [-v verbosity] [-h] [-t]
Usage: -L login_str -q query_sql -o bcp_fnm [-d delimiter] [-D eor_str] [-c charset] [-w wrk_num] [-s split_lines] [-v verbosity] [-h] [-t]
Usage: -F login_cfg -q query_sql -o bcp_fnm [-d delimiter] [-D eor_str] [-c charset] [-w wrk_num] [-s split_lines] [-v verbosity] [-h] [-t]
eg : -l usr@sid: -q "select * from table_name" -o uld.bcp
eg : -L usr/passwd@sid: -q "select * from table_name" -o uld.bcp
eg : -F $HOME/etc/mytest_db_login.cfg -q "select * from table_name" -o uld.bcp
: -l/-L : defalt host is, default port is 1521
: -l : an interactive prompt will ask for password
: -L : password is provided via command line args directly, bad guys may peek by list processes
: -F : login_str is stored in the config file
: -o : bcp_fnm --> bulk copy output file name
: -d : default field delimiter is pipe char '|'
: -D : default record delimiter is %n, should be used for dealing with embeded CR/LF
: -c : default using JVM default encoding, support GB18030/UTF-8 etc.
: -w : default 2, worker thread number, should between 1 and 4
: -s : default 0 (no split), open a new bcp file every split_lines, bcp files will be sequential numbered with '_%05d'
: -v : default 3, 0:ERO, 1:WRN, 2:INF, 3:DBG, 4:TRC
: -h : default no header line
: -t : default no trim for CHAR type
Usage: -l/L/F login -q query_sql -O ctl_fnm [-d delimiter] [-D eor_str] [-c charset] [-v verbosity] [-h]
eg : -L usr/passwd@sid:dbhost -q "select x,y,z from some_view" -D #EOR# -O table_name.ctl
: -O : ctl_fnm --> sqlldr control file name, file_name without .ctl is the table_name
# for branch v-0.1
$ java -cp orauld.jar:../lib/ojdbc14.jar \
> github.peihanw.orauld.OrauldMain \
# for branch v-0.2 (Gradle shadow fat-jar)
$ java -jar orauld.jar \
> -L scott/tiger@orcl: \
> -q "select * from rqst_log where yyyymm=201601" \
> -o rqst_log_201601.bcp -v 1
# for branch v-0.1
$ java -cp orauld.jar:../lib/ojdbc14.jar \
> github.peihanw.orauld.OrauldMain \
# for branch v-0.2 (Gradle shadow fat-jar)
$ java -jar orauld.jar \
> -L scott/tiger@orcl: \
> -q "select * from rqst_log" \
> -O rqst_log.ctl
- Please download ojdbc14.jar yourself.
- Oracle jdbc drivers 'ojdbc6.jar & orai18n.jar' are not recommended. Test results show that 'ojdbc6.jar' may cause performance dropping down about 30-50%.
- Test environment is Oracle 11g (
- Internal performance test result: A table with 30 fields (just NUMBER & VARCHAR2), gigabit ether network environment, 87042318 records, consumed 1067 seconds, CSV file size 19017078706 bytes. That is about 81576 records/seconds & 16.997MB/seconds. And there is no significant performance difference between 2 and 4 worker threads for this case.
- Replace JDK LinkedBlockingQueue with com.conversantmedia:disruptor to impove performance. (implemented since v-0.2.0)
- Support DATE/TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE. (implemented since v-0.2.2)