caijc00 / programmer_bookshelf_cn
Forked from tide2046/studyFiles📚 一个程序员的书架
Practice your pandas skills!
《Python Cookbook》 3rd Edition Translation
Easy-Shu / Beautiful-Visualization-with-Python
Forked from hodlforever/Beautiful-Visualization-with-pythonpython数据可视化之美
Implementation of logistic regression using numpy
RSTutorials: A Curated List of Must-read Papers on Recommender System.
Classic papers and resources on recommendation
MovieLens based recommender system.使用MovieLens数据集训练的电影推荐系统。
Docker image with uWSGI and Nginx for Flask applications in Python running in a single container.
This is the code for the "How to Deploy a Keras Model to Production" by Siraj Raval on Youtube
Build Deep Neural Network model in Keras and deploy a REST API to production with Flask on Google App Engine
Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
Free English to Chinese Dictionary Database
Jupyter metapackage for installation, docs and chat
My attempt to learn more than one Deep Learning framework
Code of my MOOC Course <Play with Machine Learning Algorithms>. Updated contents and practices are also included. 我在慕课网上的课程《Python3 入门机器学习》示例代码。课程的更多更新内容及辅助练习也将逐步添加进这个代码仓。
Flask API for training and predicting using scikit learn models
推荐、广告工业界经典以及最前沿的论文、资料集合/ Must-read Papers on Recommendation System and CTR Prediction
key Deep Learning engineering tricks in recsys
Getting start with PySpark and MLlib