LoadSmart Inc.
- New York
Starred repositories
Set up of OpenGL with glad, glm and glfw on a clion projects
This repo saves the progress of my studies about Django with Clean Architecture approach.
Read, validate and manipulate CHANGELOG.md files that follow keepachangelog.com specification
Export Redshift data and convert to Parquet for use with Redshift Spectrum or other data warehouses.
Benchmark for different operations in pandas against various dataframe sizes.
💻 Medis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis.
A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.
Course materials for Georgia Tech CS 4650 and 7650, "Natural Language"
A consistent code style guide for SQL to ensure legible and maintainable projects
⚡️🐍📦 Serverless plugin to bundle Python packages
Tools and sample code for authenticating to Gmail with OAuth2
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
TensorFlow - A curated list of dedicated resources http://tensorflow.org
Growth APP' Project, Links, Blogs, Books, Resources
Amazon Redshift Database Loader implemented in AWS Lambda
Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
Happy Hacking Emacs & Spacemacs (Simplified Chinese)
[INACTIVE] A static site generator based on Emacs and org mode.
Project Malmo is a platform for Artificial Intelligence experimentation and research built on top of Minecraft. We aim to inspire a new generation of research into challenging new problems presente…
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
A simple app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
A flappy bird using asm language with QLearning method
Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow.
Wangle is a framework providing a set of common client/server abstractions for building services in a consistent, modular, and composable way.