LUA script that creates a HUD display for all running characters
- MQ
- MQ2Lua
- MQ2NetBots
Download the latest
from the latest release and unzip the contents to its own directory inside lua
folder of your MQ directory.
ie lua\hud
Start the application by running the following command in-game (using the foldername inside the lua folder as the scriptname to start).
/lua run hud
User/character configs are located at {MQConfigDir}\{ServerName}\{CharacterName}.json
Valid log levels: trace | debug | info | warn | error | fatal | help
Default log level: warn
"logging": {
"loglevel": "debug"
HUD configs are located at {MQConfigDir}\{ServerShortName}\data\HUD.json
Each list is one group, which gets sorted in HUD and spaced out.
"grouplayout": [
["Eredhrin", "Hamfast", "Newt", "Bill", "Marillion", "Ithildin"]
,["Renaissance", "Magica", "Tedd", "Araushnee", "Freyja", "Milamber"]
,["Soundgarden", "Lolth", "Ronin", "Tyrion", "Sheperd", "Valsharess"]
,["Genesis", "Vierna", "Osiris", "Eilistraee", "Regis", "Aredhel"]
,["Mizzfit", "Komodo", "Izzy", "Lulz", "Tiamat", "Nozdormu"]