A mod for the game "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth" that displays useful informations for items, trinkets, rooms and more!
The current version is designed to be used with the Afterbirth+ and Repentance DLC. For Afterbirth / Rebirth Version click here.
- Displays information for all Collectibles, Trinkets, Cards, Runes, Pills and some Rooms
- Displays additional informations like Itemtype, Charges, Transformations, Spindown Dice Results or Bag of Crafting recepies
- Display one of 4 different Indicators around the inspected item
- Mod support for nearly all mods!
- Easy to use API (Documentation here)
- A huge amount of custom options like:
- Indicators
- Font style
- Language
- and a lot of visual options!
- Press F2 to hide/show the descriptions!
- English (Default)
- FRENCH (by Nicolas Delvaux)
- SPANISH (by Arroyo Purroy)
- PORTUGUESE (by Marcelino Cruz)
- Brazilian - Portuguese (by LuanRoger and NotZin02)
- RUSSIAN (by hell2Pay, fly_6, Dezzelshipc and Sekaz)
- ITALIAN (by Klyser8, Denkishi, 2G)
- BULGARIAN (WIP, by TST_Gogo_, Gothika_47)
- TURKISH (by Cagdas Salur, Mert Dutal)
- POLISH (by Rickyy, Kennyluz, MERITT, DimonoKingoKongo )
- CHINESE version: EID Chinese Edition | alternative: 中文道具图鉴 Eid Chinese
- Display if items need to be collected for achievement purposes
- More Languages!
Ingame Configuration
Simply install "Mod config Menu". All Configurations except the language Setting can be changed with it ingame.
- With Repentance: steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\mods\external item descriptions_836319872\
- With AB+: ..\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods\External item descriptions\
- Open "config.lua" with any texteditor
- Edit the Config
- Save the file
- Play the game
To reset the config delete all the "save[NUMBER].dat" files from the following folder:
- With Repentance: steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\data\external item descriptions\
- With AB+: ..\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods\External item descriptions\
Linux / Ubuntu
Same as Windows but the path is: /home/%YourUsernameHere%/.steam/steam/steamapps/workshop/content/250900/836319872
- The Binding of Isaac wiki and platinumgod.co.uk for providing useful item descriptions
- Nicolas Delvaux for creating an awesome French language pack
- Klyser8, Denkishi and 2G for creating the fantastic Italian language pack
- Lidia Arroyo Purroy for creating the amazing Spanish language Pack
- Rickyy, Kennyluz, DimonoKingoKongo and MERITT for creating the incredible Polish language pack
- Marcelino Cruz for creating the Portuguese language pack
- LuanRoger and NotZin02 for creating the Brazilian - Portuguese language pack
- hell2pay, fly_6, Dezzelshipc and Sekaz for creating the Russian language pack
- TST_Gogo_, Gothika_47 for creating the Bulgarian language pack
- Cagdas Salur and Mert Dutal for creating the Turkish language pack
- Jake for the sweet German language pack
- adc for creating a awesome new Languagepack and providing ideas for new functionalities