Game created for GameDev GameJam 2022.
Because I cannot distribute some of the free art in the project there's a need to do some steps so you can build the project.
Skybox: Get AllSky asset.
- Open 3DRunner scene, in Lightning window set the environment Skybox material to Epic_BlueSunset Equirect (inside Art/Materials).
- Open 2DRunner scene, in Lightning window set the environment Skybox material to Deep Dusk Equirect (inside Art/Materials).
I didn't create any of the art used in the game. All was possible because of the kind people listed below (in no particular order):
Quaternius: I used models from Animated Monster Pack, Cute Animated Monsters Pack, Modular Dungeons Pack, Ultimate Modular Men Pack, Ultimate Modular Woman Pack, Cars Pack. I also use some ui textures from UI Pack.
Richard Whitelock: Skybox Deep Dusck and Epic BlueSunset from Unity Store Asset AllSkyFree. Contains assets from ambientCG, licensed under CC0 1.0 Universal.
All sounds are from freesound.
All from 1001freefonts.
- 28 Days Later - Film Himmel - Jens R. Ziehn
- Daniel Davis - Font Kong
- Death Blood - Iconian Fonts