This app gives you the opportunity to add Virtual Devices to Homey. You can operate the Virtual Devices from the UI and/or use them in flows.
Or you can add a mode and add it as a condition, e.g. to disable multiple flows when going on Holiday.
- Virtual Devices: Switch, Alarm, Blinds, Hifi, Light, Security, TV
- Modes: Holiday, Away, Party, Event, Quiet, Movie, Sleep, Relax, Manual
- Trigger a flow
- Use the switch/mode status as a condition
- Use the switch/mode in the 'then'-column
- Other devices, like a Dimmer, etc.
- Settings that disable cascading flows (issue #5)
- Settings (or other) that makes some modes mutually exclusive (issue #3)
I'm very interested to hear your ideas for other virtual devices.
- Fix crash-report: "Cannot assign to read only property 'onoff' of false" (issue #12)
- Adds Virtual Sunscreen device (Up / idle / down) (issue #4)
- Fix triggering of the 'pressed' trigger-card (issue #7)
- Make states persistent over reboots (issue #8)
- Fix issue with action card for buttons
- Major re-factoring to keep the app lean, maintainable, and to prepare for future updates
- The class, capabilities, and icon can now be selected when creating the virtual device
- Unfortunately old devices must be added again (they will stop working in the next release)
- Added Buttons
- Added Relax and Manual Modes
- Added more devices and modes (thanks to ZperX)
- Use the switch in the 'then'-column
- Use the switches status as a condition
- Multiple Virtual devices can be added
- First Device: a Virtual Switch