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Tags: permikomnaskaltara/



Toggle 5.5.1's commit message
* Remove sample app signing (fixes [card-io#125](card-io#125)).

* Fix manual entry Activity started twice when rejecting camera permission (fixes [card-io#128](card-io#128), [card-io#150](card-io/
* Remove unnecessary logging (fixes [#184](card-io/
* Compile distributed package with NDK r14.


Toggle 5.5.0's commit message
* Update Gradle build plugin to 2.2.3.

* Update compile and target SDK versions to 25.
* Update NDK to r13b.
* Increase `minSdkVersion` to 16.
* Upgrade OpenCV to 2.4.13.


Toggle 5.4.2's commit message
* Add Mastercard 2-series support.

* Bump compile SDK to 24 for reals.
* Compile distributed package with NDK to r12b (previous was r11c).
* Update Android Gradle plugin to 2.2.0.


Toggle 5.4.1's commit message
* Add ability to specify an alternative search path for the native li…

…braries via `CardIONativeLibsConfig` [](card-io#86). Thank you Thorben Primke!

* Updated gradle plugin and wrapper versions.
* Bump compile SDK to 24.


Toggle 5.4.0's commit message
* Add ability to blur all digits in the scanned card image, minus any…

… number of digits to remain unblurred, enabled via `CardIOActivity.EXTRA_UNBLUR_DIGITS`. (Thank you Michael Schmoock!)

* Fix issue where Maestro cards were not correctly recognized [card-io#154](card-io/
* Fix issue on Android 23 and above where `CardIOActivity#canReadCardWithCamera()` would return the incorrect value if permissions had not been granted [card-io#136](card-io/  Now defaults to `true` in such cases.
* Add missing locales to javadocs [](card-io#75).
* Upgrade gradle to 2.13.
* Upgrade Android Gradle plugin to 2.1.0.


Toggle 5.3.4's commit message
* Fix crash on Android 23 and above where `onRequestPermissionsResult…

…()` returns an empty array [](card-io#70).


Toggle 5.3.3's commit message
* Fix newline issue in ES locale [card-io#142](card-io/…


* Fix build issue with ndk 11 [](card-io#60).
* Upgrade gradle to 2.12.
* Upgrade Android Gradle plugin to 2.0.0.


Toggle 5.3.2's commit message
* Fix issue where Android 23 and above devices would crash when the l…

…ibrary's `.so` files were removed [PayPal-Android-SDK#279](paypal/PayPal-Android-SDK#279).


Toggle 5.3.1's commit message
* Fix issue where the camera was flipped when the app was backgrounde…

…d with open [card-io#118](card-io/

* Add proguard config to `aar` file [112](card-io/, [card-io#117](card-io/


Toggle 5.3.0's commit message
Merge pull request card-io#51 from card-io/postalcode_numeric_only