A replica of iOS's native contact bubbles UI
Cluster's reusable pre-permissions utility that lets developers ask the users on their own dialog for photos or contacts access, before making the system-based request. This is based on the Medium …
Minimal circular progress label
Collection of iOS drop-in components to visualize progress
Circular Progress Timer control for iOS in Objective-C
CountryPicker is a custom UIPickerView subclass that provides an iOS control allowing a user to select a country from a list. It can optionally display a flag next to each country name, and the lib…
An objective-C API that uses the new iOS 7 UIView snapshot category drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates: to produce Apple Notification and Control Center like blur effects. 7blur supports bo…
A pull down menu, similar to notification center on iOS that supports an unlimited number of items. Items can either be selected, deleted or reordered. The control is aimed at providing context for…
This is a page control for Mac OS X. Most of the methods are derived from the UIPageControl class in iOS.
MPGNotifications is an iOS control that allows you to display in-app interactive notifications that are fully customisable to suit your needs.
A custom iOS rate view control similar to the one used in Apple's App Store.
This is an iOS control for selecting a date using UIDatePicker in an UIAlertController like manner
This is an iOS control for guiding users through a process step-by-step
An iOS UI control that allows you to build a circular menu by laying out buttons in a circle pattern adjusting from the number of buttons (1~6).