The Really class is the 2018S04 (that is the 4rd semester of GreenFoxAcademy (GFA) 2018 academic year) starting Oct 24th 2018 and ending, March 8th 2019. The technical stack for this class covers:
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
The mentors are Szirmi, Bence and Gábor.
- Wiki - collection of your daily learning materials
- Class kanban - for managing our daily issues
- Slack - to communicate ideas on channels
- Github - GreenFox - overall tracking of our course
- Calendar - HTML
The course consists of 3 distinct phases:
- Basics - introducing the foundations of software development and studying HTML, CSS, TypeScript
- Orientation - introducing the foundations of software development and studying HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Project - We form working groups that are working independently with mentor supervision on a lifelike project.