A WordPress plugin framework build on top of Composer packages
Please note that this is still very much a work-in-progress!
* Plugin Name: My Plugin
use Adventure\WordPressPlugin;
class AwesomePlugin extends WordPressPlugin
// ...
$plugin = new AwesomePlugin;
The WordPressPlugin
class in Adventure is built on top of the
Container package from the
PHP League. This gives us everything
we need: automatic dependency resolving, factory closures and
service providers.
The event emitter in Adventure is built on top of the Event package from the PHP League. It wraps the WordPress action API.
use Adventure\Events\EventServiceProvider;
// Enable the event emitter
$plugin->addServiceProvider(new EventServiceProvider);
// You can listen for your own events ...
$plugin['emitter']->when('test.event', function ()
var_dump('event!'); die();
// ... and emit them.
// Or, you can listen for WordPress actions (do_action())
$plugin['emitter']->whenWordPress('init', function ()
var_dump('WordPress init!'); die();
// You can also implement your own event listeners
$plugin['emitter']->whenWordPress('init', $plugin['SayHelloWhenWordPressIsInitiated']);
// Creating listener classes is awesome, because it
// lets you use services automatically resolved out
// of the DI container
use League\Event\EventInterface;
use League\Event\ListenerInterface;
class SayHelloWhenWordPressIsInitiated implements ListenerInterface
private $service;
// RandomService is automatically resolved out of the
// DI container
public function __construct(RandomService $service)
$this->service = $service;
public function handle(EventInterface $event)
var_dump('Hello!'); die();
public function isListener($listener)
return $listener === $this;